Kylo Ren

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I awake with a start to look around with me, seeing that I am strapped into place on the same torture chair yet again. My eyes scan the room, landing on the figure here with me looking at Kylo Ren, who is sitting there watching me in this chair, "Harmony", he says for me to look away from him to the wall, not wishing to be near this murderer or creature in a mask now, "Where am I?" I question, finally looking at him with narrowed eyes, "You're my guest." he answers for me to grip my hands into fists, hating being here in this room with a murderer of children and women who did nothing, "Where are the others?" I questioned him another for him to watch me closely on that, knowing the resistance was my family for so long, and they still are, "Do you mean the murderers, traitors and thieves you called friends? You'll be relieved to hear I have no idea." He says for me to gulp in, looking away from him, not wishing to be near him now, even wishing to kill him for what he has done to those poor children and women, but that is darkness itself if I think about it, "you still wish to kill me" he says for me to glare at him then with so much loathing in the system because he betrayed me all that time together he was using me as a tool to step up his game in the darkness, "of course I do, you are just a creature in a mask now" I hiss for him to stand up while taking his mask off for me to look onto him seeing his hair has grown. His features are more manly now, knowing that he still looks like Ben Solo in some ways, but he is nothing like him; his mind is corrupted by Snoke, making him out to be Kylo Ren like Luke told me. 

He observes me as I look away, not loving him anymore for what he has done and planning to do with the knowledge about Skywalker that he will get one day, "Tell me about the droid." He questions for me not to look at him with me wishing to escape now from his clutches, "He's a BB unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hyperscan vindicator..." I answer, but Ren cuts me off quicker than I can finish my sentence which makes me irritated that he does not understand what I am speaking, "Carrying a section of a navigation chart. We have the rest. Recovered from the archives of the Empire, but we need the last piece. Yet somehow, you convinced the droid to show it to you. You, a Jedi scum." he says for me to keep still and quiet, not telling him anything for me to keep my focus on one thing a little island away from here and away from Ren, "You know I can take whatever I want." He says while holding out a hand with the force prodding my mind for information making me try to be calm but he is breaking me slowly inch by inch as he pushes, "you're so lonely" he says for me to feel him leaning into me making me close my eyes not wishing for him to see all the things that he wishes to see, "So afraid to leave. At night, desperate to sleep. Imagine an ocean. I see it. I see the island. And a little girl. She is powerful with the force, but you are hiding her from someone." he says for me to open my eyes, wishing for him not to be in my head now because he is trying to find information about her, trying to find out who her father is, "get out of my head" I hiss for him to step away for me to look over at him standing there with loathing in my eyes he doesn't deserve to know anything at all about that child. 

He walks so he is in front of me, looking at me as I stare back at him with narrowed eyes as his hand is ready to prod again, "I know you've seen the map. It's in there. And now you'll give it to me. Don't be afraid. I feel it too." He says for me to close my eyes in peace, not wishing for him to enter my mind so easily as he then begins to prod for me to grip my hands into fists, yet again fighting it with all of my might, "I'm not giving you anything." I say while opening my eyes while looking at him with my blue eyes, knowing that blocking my mind is one of the tricks that was harder for me. Still, Ben he was a master at it, which makes me push him out more of my mind, "We'll see." he says while pushing. Still, I push back, seeing the shock on his features for me to glare at him for what he did to me, to his family, to the resistance and all of those force-sensitive children that died for nothing just because they were fluent in the force he will suffer because of those children, "You... you're afraid... that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader!" I hiss his thoughts for him to break it for me to breathe in long breaths hating that I used it on him, but I have never used it in my life on him. 

He did not stay there long for me to sit there resting my head back, knowing that it took my strength when doing that to push Ren out of my mind; I needed to get off here away from Ren and the First Order before they could get the knowledge out of me about the map or even the location to my master, or even for Ren, the location of his daughter. I close my eyes, breathing in steadily and then out, but then I hear a radio open my eyes, readying my mind to release me from this place, "You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." I say for the Stormtrooper to come around, looking at me with a blank expression knowing it worked, "I will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." he says while removing my restraints and then leaving for me to breathe in happily jumping down grabbing my sabres off the table clipping them to my belt as I dust my hair over my shoulder. I look both ways before running out of there, knowing I have to figure out how to get off this planet and back to the resistance because I am not safe. I feel it in the wake of the force. I travel around the base with me, hiding when stormtroopers pass or even commanding officers for me to feel, then something for a smile to convert onto my lips, knowing that they would not leave me behind at all; my friends are coming to save me. I come to the hangar bay seeing a perfectly good tie fighter waiting for me, but there are too many stormtroopers around, which makes me breathe in, knowing what I must do to ensure I am safe right now. 

Edited: 14/8/23

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