1. The Corner Store

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I'd just shoved my phone back into my purse for what felt like the hundredth time. I knew who was trying to get a hold of me, and I'm well aware that I'm running 20 minutes late, but rushing me wouldn't help. He should know by now that my schedule is busy and hailing a cab in downtown Seoul is no easy feat.

After safely securing a seat in a taxi, I decided that he at least deserved some type of explanation, I'm not a monster after all.


"Kai? Hi, sorry I'm running a tad over schedule today, I should be there in the next...15 minutes, give or take."

Truth be told, I wasn't going to sugar coat my situation, besides, I already have that guy wrapped right around my little fin-

"That's completely fine Jen, take all the time you need, but text me when you're nearby."

Told ya

"Of course I will, thank you for being so understanding, see you in a bit."

I couldn't suppress an eye roll after hanging up on that guy, despite hinting at him multiple times that I lean more towards dating girls, the poor guy still thinks he has a chance with me. Either way, if it means securing my company with a business deal, I'm willing to play along with the charade...


A typical Thursday evening for me included cuddling up with my babies. My feline babies. Leo, Luca, Lilly and Louis, to be precise. After a stressful day on set, there is nothing I love more than Netflix and kitty company, apart from hanging out with my best mate Seulgi of course.

Speaking of which, she had chosen the exact moment that I'd gotten comfy, to grace me with her presence.

"Open up Manoban, I know you're in there, this white wine won't drink itself!"

Dragging myself from my spot, I sulked over to the front door, opening it a crack.

"I'm not in the mood tonight Seuls, can't we do Saturday night instead? I'm PMSing.."

"That excuse won't work with me Lis, I know full well you just ended your period last week, now let me in it's cold out here."

Giving her entry, I watched disapprovingly as she threw off her beanie and jumped onto my sofa.

"How are my favorite cuddle bunnies?" Luca reciprocated his obvious love for Seulgi by aiming to scratch her eyeballs out while I stifled a giggle.

"Swear these things are vicious Lisa, we need to get you a man."

"For the millionth time, I'm done with men." I plopped myself next to her on the sofa. "Remember Jaehyun, he was insanely cute but had gross habits I just could not overlook,oh, not to mention Jungkook! That guy was great in bed but not at much else unfortunately. Besides, I think I'm destined to be alone with my cats till death, and to be completely honest, I'm okay with it. Aren't I Leo, oh yes I am.."

"Ugh you make me sick Lisa. One of these day's you're gonna cough up a hairball or three."

"Look Seulgi, did you come here to drink with me or lecture me, cause at the moment, I'm not a fan of this intervention."

Rolling her eyes, my bestie made her way to my kitchen and retrieved a corkscrew and 2 glasses.

"Now that's more like it..."


I checked the time on my watch as discreetly as possible. How was it only 7:45? It felt like this business meal was going on forever and I honestly just wanted to be at home in bed with a romance novel and my vibrator. Was that too much to ask?!

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