8. The White Lie

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Jen ~ Ruby

I've been here 'Parks Coffee House' for a week and a half, already, and the only thing making it bearable are the endless amount of baked goods at my disposal. I'm seriously gonna have to find a gym near me cause the hems on all my new clothes already seem to be shrinking. At least I have Rosie to vent to. In my old life as Jennie, I didn't have many friends that weren't made through either business connections or my family, especially not ones that are girls. I have very few females that I can actually connect with as proper friends instead of fuck buddies that go on to either pester me for a relationship, or ghost completely.

But I have to admit, Rosie isn't too bad to hang out with, she makes work fun, doesn't get too mad when I screw up and we can talk to each other about our lives without the conversation steering to sex or the stock market. I think it helps that, although she's pretty, I don't want to sleep with her. That would be weird. We have more of a sisterly bond, not that I have experience of what that's like, but if I had to guess, I'd imagine it would be something similar to what Rosie and I have.

"Got any plans for tonight Ruby?"

I have to admit, my first few days here, I had to get used to being called that, I've had way too many close shaves where I just don't respond to the name, or it takes me an extra 5 seconds to compute that I'm being talked to. It made me look as though I'm slow and incompetent, but I'm learning to respond faster now.

"Nope." I wiped down a table, before placing a chair upside down on top of it. Hey, maybe I was getting the hang of this.

"Really? Not even having a Netflix sesh with your lover?"

Okay, wait, let me explain.

When I said that Rosie and I were getting to know each other, I quickly realised I couldn't tell her my actual life story, obviously. Plus she'd have too many questions, and one quick google of 'Kim & CO. Corporations' would have exposed my true identity right away, and I couldn't have that so...I may have told a few little, teeny, tiny white lies.

One of which being that I just moved here to live with my girlfriend, and I that I'm half Kiwi, hense the English surname. Luckily she didn't ask too many questions about New Zealand as I wouldn't have been able to provide accurate details. What? At least I went there on vacation once when I was 9, and plus, it's not like she's ever gonna meet Lisa so it's fine. I have to constantly remind myself that this is only for 3 months max, so a little fabrication of the truth here and there is fine.

I rolled my eyes at her. "I don't know,maybe depends if she's up to it." I smiled to myself as I thought of Lisa, snuggled up at home on the sofa with a roller in her hair.

She threw her tea towel down and hopped onto the counter. "Tell me more about her, I wanna know all about the girl you liked so much that you upped sticks and moved to this place. It's so boring here."

Oh god. I tightened my ponytail and sat on a stool opposite her, wracking my brain on how to describe her in a way that does her justice.

"Well, she's smart, funny. She's from Thailand, and she's kind and warm. She's blonde and tall, the complete opposite of me, short and brunette."

Rosie giggled as she took off her apron and counted today's earnings from the cash register. "Well you know what they say, every blonde needs a brunette."

"Yep, can't fault you there. I'm just glad I found mine."

"Wow, that sounded cheesy yet I'm still so jealous. I'd give anything to have already found the love of my life at 25."

"Hey, I'm actually 24! And I never said she was the 'love of my life'." I fiddled with the string of my apron as I tried to hide my blush.

"Oh, come on Ruby, you are obviously so whipped. You always take home a bag of treats for her, and bring her up in conversation every 2 seconds. It's always, 'my girlfriend' this and 'I'll take this home for us to share tonight'."

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