2. The Alleyway

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They'd run out of chocolate milkshake. Brilliant. Not that I was even here for that. Serves you right Lalisa. It was stupid of me to forget to pay the electric bill anyway, so I'm sure this is just Gods way of punishing me with a lack of cocoa flavored lactose.

I queued up empty handed (apart from the electric key in my hand of course.) The brunette in front of me was slightly smaller than me, and she was in heels even so. She smelt nice, expensive. I should stop smelling her, that's just weird. At least she smiled at me on her way out, but it was too quick for me to register before she'd walked out of the store.

"Just electric Lisa, no Gas?"

"Yeah, only electricity today Ahmed, thank you."

Seulgi and I were somewhat, regulars at this corner store. It came in handy, and over the few years we've lived near here, we've forged a reliable acquaintance with the owner, Ahmed, and his employee's.

Ahmed rang up my bill as he took my electric key, and handed me my $5 change.

"Thanks,see you."

"Bye Lisa, keep warm."

The cold chill outside hit my cheeks with considerable force as I exited the store. I'd just washed my hair like an hour ago so the cold went right through me. Checking my pockets for my beanie, I was comforted to find it in my pocket. As soon as I got my phone out to text Seulgi, I heard a distinguishable sound and my stomach dropped.

Those were definitely gunshots.





Instinct caused me to fall to my knee's and cover my ears.


I clutched my bags and squatted right there on the sidewalk, trembling. Considering how much Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Criminal Minds episodes I'd watched in my short lifetime, nothing could have prepared me for this situation.

A couple more bullets were fired again and I peered up through my arm, to see two cars at the end of the street in some kind of face off, gunman vs gunman. One guy was holding what looked to be a rectangular package of some kind and the other was yelling at him, gun between his eyeballs. There were 6 or 7 other masked guys, some standing outside the cars holding baseball bats and pistols. If even one of them looked 45° to the right, they would have seen me hovering awkwardly in the middle of the street, without the means to defend myself. 

I scanned opposite the street real quick to see if I could find the blonde from earlier, but she was gone, as if she was never standing there just moments before.

Shit. Maybe I should have just gone off with Kai when I had the chance, then none of this would have happened....





Once. Just one time, I wanted to be able to walk the run down streets of Turnbank without the impending threat of being gunned to death. Bust alas, it was just my luck that the one time I leave without Seulgi after dark, I witness a standoff shooting.

I ducked into the alley next to the corner store and hid in it's shadows as I tried to figure out my next move.

Do I message Seulgi or call the police...

I had my keypad out, about to dial, when I saw a figure practically kneeling out there in the open. Dark locks were cascading down quivering shoulders and with one glance at the expensive looking jacket and black stiletto's, I was able to put two and two together pretty fast.

It was the brunette from the convenience store.

That girl's either insane or has a death wish because no one in their right mind would leave themselves exposed like that with a gang dispute just meters away. I inched out of the darkness.


She didn't move.

"Hey, psst, over here, look." I did my best to alert her attention without being overheard. Her head emerged from it's tight embrace, but she was still unsure of where to look.

"A little more to you're right. Over here." I took my beanie off and waved it quickly, hoping she would see the flashes of pink wool and head right over.

Eventually her feline eyes met mine and a look of sheer relief brushed over her delicate features. My breath caught in my throat at her beauty but I had no time to dwell on her looks. She was still in the danger zone, and it was a miracle that she hadn't been spotted yet.

I motioned for her to come hide with me and she nodded frantically, indicating that she got the message.

Slowly, she stood, hunching her small frame, as she scurried across the pavement and into my arms.





At first I thought I was merely hearing things, so the utter solace I felt as soon as I saw the blonde peeking out from the alleyway, made me so overjoyed, I almost cried.

I ran to her as lightly as I could because, in heels, the noise would have brought me too an untimely death, I am sure of it.

Before long I was engulfed in a warm hug, one that smelt like citrus,fragrant and sweet, and I held onto it like a lifeline.

"Hey are you alright?" She whispered.

My heart rate was skyrocketing and I could barely get my breathing back to normal. Plus this absolute ten was holding me so I genuinely thought I had been shot and this was heaven.

Get a grip Jennie.

"Uh, yeah, for sure. I'm fine." I tried to swallow but my mouth felt like sandpaper. I shouldn't have had so many drinks at dinner....

"Are you positive, I know that was a lot to take in..."

I looked up at the girls hazel eyes that were wide and comforting, and nodded. Somehow she was incredible at keeping her composure.

"You're shivering. Here, take my hat, I'll call the police."

Before I could protest, the girl's beanie was nestled on my head, then she whipped out her Iphone, pressing quickly.

I stood close to her (to preserve warmth of course) and she smiled down at me. My insides did somersaults. Before long I heard the receiver.

"Hello 911, what's your emergency?"

"We've just witnessed a drive-by shooting and standoff at Melrose, 3rd street, Turnbank."

Her voice was smooth, it made me feel safe. Plus how did she know all these terms, was she a cop herself? That would be so hot...

"Yes... No. Behind Quick Save corner store,yes, ma'am. Okay."

After a moment she hung up. "They should be on their way soon, for now, lets just-"


The two of us swiveled around to find one of the men pointing a gun at us from the end of the alley.


"Put your hands in the air and come on out now. Don't worry I won't hurt ya." His voice was gravelly and thick. It made my skin crawl.

The girl squeezed my hand and she led us out. I reluctantly followed, my legs trembling, but something told me I had to stick by her side or risk getting killed.

"On the ground, hands in the air, both of you." He spat. Once out of the safety of the alley, I could see that there were way more men than I'd originally anticipated. As me and the girl (can't believe I didn't even get her name yet!) were forced to kneel before about 10 gunmen, I swear I peed myself a little.

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