31. The Long Haul

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6 Months Later.


"-and that's a wrap everyone. Good job, see you all next week !"

I'v finally finished up today's shoot. My head is pounding and I can't squint through a lens a second longer, but it's finally over.

I waved goodbye to the last hair stylist before locking up the studio. I don't know how I managed to land such an amazing photography booking for a lucrative jewelry brand just weeks after I felt well enough to return, but something in my gut tells me Jen is behind it, no matter how much she denies it. She insists it's all my own doing but I want to be able to give her credit where credit's due, I probably couldn't have done it without her. Just as I was thinking about what we should have for dinner to celebrate the collab project going well, my phone pinged.


Nini🐻~r u almost done with work bb? Seulgi is here and she brought my bestie..!!!

I let out a sigh as I unlocked the car and started the engine. This would be the 3rd time this week that Seulgi's stopping by with the girl she's currently dating, Irene.I swear she's basically Jennie in a different font,the two of them are so similar. Don't get me wrong, I love having company over, but I'm kinda tired and was banking on a quiet night in with Jen. But I can't be an asshole about it so...

Me~that's great, i'll be back in 10 <3

Me~ps: don't tell rosie you got a new best friend, she'll drive all the way down here and cut you in ur sleep

Me~pps: order dinner pls, i'm starving

Read at 19:22

Nini🐻~yay, i wouldn't dare & yup

Nini🐻~luv u 💩💩


I could hear the laughter from the hallway before I'd even punched in the code to get in.Yep, I'm bougie now, I live in a place that has a door code. Hehe. In case it wasn't obvious, we live together now. Jen and I found it extremely difficult to cope with the long distance between my Mom's and Turnbank so when I was ready to move back to my old apartment 2 months ago, I quickly realised it's actually much harder to live by yourself when the woman you love is only 5 miles away.
So after a discussion that was cut short after I jumped into Jennie's arms, agreeing a thousand times yes to move in with her, I did. She was surprisingly welcoming to all 4 of my children and even went so far as to designate the smallest bedroom to them (although Luca sleeps in the bathroom most times anyway 'cause he can be a naughty boy).
Coming back to Turnbank was as strange as Jennie warned it was going to be, but work is keeping me busy,plus FaceTime is a thing, so it's easier to adjust to being away from Rosie and Jisoo. We're driving back to see them in 10 days anyway so I'm looking forward to it. I hear Jisoo got a dog and Ro dyed her hair pink so that'll be nic-

"Lisa? Is that you? We're in here!" I could hear the karaoke machine on and Irene was clutching a microphone in one hand and a glass of vino in the other.

A recipe for disaster.

"There she is! Come quick, she's finishing up the last chorus of Dancing Queen." Seulgi patted the spot next to her on the sofa and I sunk into it, leaning my head on Jen's shoulder before planting kisses on her jaw,neck and lips. I heard Seulgi pretend to retch next to me, but I ignored her, slipping my tongue lightly over Jens. The tips of her ears went red as she blushed, returning the kiss before standing up to queue the next song.

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