18. The Dye-Job

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I was in the mood for chocolate milk but we were all out.

Nini 🐻

Me - Run to the store and get me choco milk pls i'm dying

Read at 17:08

Nini🐻- I just got some the other night.


Me- I drank it all plus that was not the other night, it was like 4 days ago

Me-quickly, I can feel my body slowly deteriorating as we speak

Read at 17:09

Nini🐻-I'm not off till 6 but I can get some after bb


Me- forget it, i'll go by myself, need anything?

Read at 17:11

Nini🐻-No, pls don't go without me Lili, pick me up after work and we can go together, we never shop together anymore, it'll be fun :(


Me- remember what happened the first time we were in a convenience store at the same time?

Read at 17:14


Nini🐻-In all seriousness tho, pick me up

Nini🐻-Oh and we're dropping Rosie off home on the way to the shops

Nini🐻-Love you, c u soon


Me- 😒


Me- ❤️

Read at 17:17


We ended up buying a shit load more than just chocolate milk. We were also apparently in the mood for magazines, potato chips, cigarettes (even though I told Jen those were bad for her but she didn't listen), tampons, a lighter, this fruity drink that I thought they only sold in Thailand but apparently have here now so of course we had to purchase some, 2 packs of bubblegum, a pint of milk ice-cream, yet more wine and a box of hair dye. The last item was a mistake but it was too late to turn back now. Before I knew what was happening I was sat wearing a hair cap, which was really just a plastic bag wrapped around my head, as Jen stood behind me, aiming the hairdryer at my burning scalp.

"Are you excited to see the result?"

"What was that?" I had to yell at her over the hot air flow, so she got the hint and switched off the dryer.

"I said, are you excited to see how your hair turns out?"

"Hmmm, I'm still a little skeptical." I looked at my ridiculous reflection in the mirror and had a sudden influx of serious regret. At the time this all seemed like a great idea. The model's hair on the packaging was this beautiful shade of auburn/hazelnut brown and when I posed Jennie with the question of whether I should spruce up my look, she said it was a 'no brainer' and that I 'would be 10 times as hot' as I am now if I did it.

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