3. The Interrogation Room

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Lisa ~ 20:27pm

"Place your phone down facing upwards, towards me."

I heard the girl next to be inhale a sharp breath as I slid my cell across the sidewalk and over to the gunman. He nudged my shoulder with the end of his gun, signalling me to hurry up. Jokes on him though, cops are already on their way.

"Hands flat out on the street, where I can see 'em. Same goes for you too princess."

He knelt beside her and tucked some of her brunette hair behind her ear. Total invasion of privacy, god I hate men. I didn't dare look over at her any longer for fear of being shot, but I'm sure there were tears streaming down her face.

"Give me 1 good reason why I shouldn't kill the two of you off right now,huh?"

He grabbed me by the neck and forced me to stare into his beady, dark eyes. I couldn't see much through his ski mask, but I could feel the musty warmth of his breath and the cold leather of his gloves. Hold it together Lisa, safety will be here soon.

When I failed to reply to him, he threw me back down on the wet concrete, causing a few of his men to break into undignified laughter.

"They're just little girls boss." One of them jeered. "I say we take them with us, might be fun to have a few pussies in the crew, I call dibs on blondie."

Another one scoffed. "Yeah fun for your dick you mean."

I could feel the anger rising up in me, how dare they talk about us that way, especially the girl next to me. I don't even know her name, but judging by the way she's staring dead at the ground and hyperventilating, it's fair to say she isn't coping well. I had to say something.

"Excuse me? Sir? I'm sorry, but my friend and I here, truly didn't see anything. We promise not to rat you out just please, let us go and we'll never speak a word of this to anyone. Right?" I patted her on the shoulder, making her stare up at me with her tear filled, feline eyes. "Right?"

It took her a moment to respond but she did, eventually.

"Yes. That's right." She smiled weakly at me before facing the crowd of men in ski masks. "Please, we promise, we didn't see anything. I'm not even from around here, we'll be on our way before you can even-"


We winced.

"Both of you shut the fuck up. Aish, women! All you do is yap yap yap. Look, point is, you're our property know. Ludus, load them into the Beemer and lets get the hell out of here before the cops show up."

2 muscular guys came and grabbed us each by the wrists, causing the girl next to me to scream and thrash. I knew better than to throw a tantrum, that would only rile them up.

"Shut up you bitch." He spat in her face and kicked her in the stomach, I had to look away.

"The quieter you are, the quicker we can get this done, now, in the car."

Another guy held me up against a car whilst he tied my wrists tightly behind my back with some wire. I watched with tears stinging my eyes as the brunette put up a fight.

"Over my dead body you animals! Do you know who I am? I'm Jennie Kim the iii and I demand you let me go. Once my lawyers find out about this they'll-"

One of them hit her across the face, and I saw as blood tricked down her nose. It was then when we made eye contact and she looked at me as if she was about to say something, but the voice that I heard next didn't come from her, but from one of the gang members.

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