6. The Homemade Dinner

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Jen ~ Ruby
I wanted to order takeout but Lisa insisted on cooking our own dinner so that we'd get used to our new kitchen faster. I told her that sounded boring, she told me to shut up.

"How many teaspoons of cumin do I need to add Jennie? Jennie?"

I peeked at Lisa over the top of the cookbook she'd made me read, and regarded her with a lost expression. Truth be told, I gave up on reading out the ingredients list to her acouple minutes ago and was now sneakily on my phone googleing 'chinese restaurants near me' in the hopes that Lisa changes her mind about being the next Gordon Ramsey.

I threw the book down with a thump. "Sorry, can't help you there." She placed a hand on her hip and held the wooden spoon limply in her hand as she shook it at me.

"But Jennie, I told you to read out so I can follow along whilst I cook, we're never gonna have dinner before 10 if you keep getting sidetracked. I'm almost done, come look, I think the sauce has come together well, hasn't it?"

She beckoned for me to peer into the pot where, sure enough, some sort of chunky red stew was bubbling away.

"Good job Lisa, but is it edible?"

"Only one way to find out." She took a small spoonful out before blowing on it and holding it to my lips. "Go on Jen, try."

"Errr, why don't you go first." Raising one eyebrow, she pulled that expression with the smirk that I've noticed she loves to do.

"What, don't trust me all of a sudden? Think I've poisoned the very first meal in our new home?" She brought a hand to her chest, as if offended. "I would have thought you'd have more faith in me Ruby Jaymes." Leaning one hand on the counter behind me, she'd trapped me between her and the spoon.

Holy fuck, she's so close to me that I can see a little freckle on her left cheekbone that I'd never noticed before now.

"Fine." Rolling my eyes I took the spoon out of her hand and fed myself. I wouldn't have been able to control my actions if she'd have fed me herself.

"Happy now Pranpriya?"

"Very." She wiped her hands on a tea towel. "Now get back to instructing me on what to do next, we don't have all night to spend on this."

I sat obediently back in my seat and opened the cookbook as I watched Lisa twirl around the kitchen, focused on throwing whatever smelled good into the pot. I observed her, intrigued by how one person could be full of so much positive energy, wit and kindness that I found it difficult to believe she was even real.

Lisa ~ Pranpriya

Preparing dinner was a long process, but in the end it came out okay. It would be a reach to say it was successful, but it definitely wasn't the worst thing I've had to eat and I've lived alone almost 5 years as a struggling student photographer, so that's saying a lot.

Though now, everything is still and quiet . Jennie and I said goodnight to each other about twenty minutes ago, but this is the first proper night we're spending in this apartment (which I feel is way to big for just 2 of us btw!). Living in such a large place makes the silence all the more deafening. It's to the point where I can't sleep even after what feels like the longest 48 hours of my life. I'd give anything to be able to ring Seulgi right now, but that's out of the question. The only person I can text is Jennie. Should I text Jennie? No, that would be weird, we only just said night to each other, I can't go creepily texting her right now can I?

Maybe a walk would do me some good, but I don't wanna leave the apartment, especially not alone in a city I know virtually nothing about. I think a simple stroll to the living room will suffice, this place is so ridiculously big that it'll take ten minutes just to get there anyway.

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