26. The Litter Box Project

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The first thing I noticed was the pounding pain in head. It hurt too much to even attempt to open my eyes, but then the memories of what happened came flooding back.

Christmas Eve at the cabin.


Snow soaking through my nightgown.

Trying to fight him but not being strong enough. Never being strong enough.

I struggled to stretch out my limbs, until I realised I couldn't and everything felt cramped. Opening my eyes, I blinked to adjust to the lighting but it was really dark in whatever room I was being kept in. At least it was warm. Bound by my ankles and wrists, I tried to scoot out of my hold but whatever wire he's used, it was tight. I could feel my bare ass pressed against the concrete, underwear no longer concealing my privates. Instead my lilac nightgown was draped clumsily over my body, like it was thrown on as an afterthought. I wanted to yell out for help, to scream, cry, but my mouth was dry and all energy was drained out of me. I couldn't ignore my throbbing migraine any longer so I closed my eyes, laying back down, letting darkness consume me again.


The noise of the door unlocking woke me up. A small light bulb dangling from the middle of the ceiling illuminated as he stepped into view. I'd have thrown up at the sight of him, but I have nothing left in my stomach anyway. Coming to think of it, I'm starving. There's no natural light source in this place so I also don't really have a concept of time either. All I know is that I'm hungry and want to go home. Shuffling on my butt, I moved a few inches backwards but he caught up to me anyway, crouching down to my level and grabbing at my shoulders, his nails digging into my skin.

"Hi beautiful. You've had quite the nap haven't you?" He trailed his eyes over my body and smiled that sadistic smile.

"I'm sorry if I did anything to you but just please, let me go.."

"I'm afraid that won't be happening any time soon." He tucked a hair behind my ear before sitting cross-legged in front of me, pouting.

"How are you feeling hot stuff? Hungry?" I nodded weakly, hoping he'd get the hint that I wasn't in the mood for small talk."Okay I'll bring you something, just a second." He got up on his feet and started to make his way back to the exit, leaving me tied in the corner.


"What?" He snapped all of a sudden, as if I'd done something to irritate him. I had to try my best to swallow, it's difficult to speak when your throat is so dry.

"Can you please tell me the time, or, or where we are? I'm just a little confused right now."

He regarded me for a moment with cold eyes before turning his back and bolting the door shut.

How reassuring.


Chugging down the last of my water, I wiped at my mouth with the back of my hand as I slid the bowl and cup over to Jin. Even though the porridge tasted like wallpaper paste and the water was nowhere near enough, I still ate faster than I ever have before. Jin made me thank him as he dabbed at my mouth with a damp cloth. It took every bone in my body not to flinch or twitch.

"Satisfied pumpkin?" I nodded, glaring at the concrete floor.

"I'm going to have to hear words." He placed his index finger under my chin, tilting my head up and looking into my eyes.

"Yes. Yes Master."

"Perfect." He kissed me square on the lips before tying my wrists back together with industrial wire.

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