9. The Invite

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Jen ~ Ruby

I had the day off so I was spending my well deserved break lounging. I waved bye to Lisa, watched some trashy reality TV, I even took a bubble bath and painted my toenails, all before 11am. It quickly dawned on me that I'm incredibly bored if I'm either not at work or without Lisa.

It's only fun to lounge if I'm with Lisa.


How am I going to manage when things have to get back to normal...

There's one simple solution for that. Not to dwell on the impending fact that a future without Lisa is on the cards for me. How depressing.

I poured myself a small tumbler of whiskey at the mere thought as I sat in the living area and tried to find a series to watch.

I soon realised that 90% of anything I'm currently watching, I'm doing so with Lisa. She'd kill me if she knew I'd seen episode 11 of Money Heist without her, not to mention the crime scene that would enfold if she found out that I finished Rick and Morty season 4 alone as well.

So in classic Jennie fashion, I turned to the one thing I knew for a fact I could view alone.

Good old fashioned lesbian porn.

Call me crude, call me horny. Chances are, you're probably right, and I would waste none of my time correcting you.

It wasn't until I was on my 3rd orgasm and my hand was beginning to get serious cramps, that the guilt started to creep in. I haven't felt guilt after fingering myself since I was in the 9th grade. I was seriously prepared for an eternity of burning in hell back then, but I'd since learnt not to give a shit. Until now apparently. Suddenly the thought of thinking or looking at any other woman in a way that was deemed remotely sexual just felt wrong. The irony of it all was that Lisa would never even let me touch her like that. She hasn't said so explicitly, but I'm still pretty sure she's straight. She may have agreed to pretend to be my girlfriend a few days back to save my pride, but we've never even done more than hold hands briefly in a platonic way or share a mug of grape soda that she didn't want to finish.

And trust me, I've been acting as obvious as possible that it's bordering on embarrassing. I subtlety wear my tiniest booty shorts while I wipe down the kitchen counters, or wander around the apartment in only a dressing gown, flashing bits of collarbone, cleavage, even side-boob in a tank top one time, and nothing.



Zilch. Barely even the twitch of an eye or a sly lick of her bottom lip.


You know, for a girl who claims to love cats so much, she is showing minimal interest in my pussy, and it's fucking disappointing.

Lisa ~ Pranpriya

Not that I would ever admit this to anyone but, I'm kinda falling in love...

With my job at PlanetRadio.

I mean who would have thought that my love of camera's and photography would be able to translate so well into the world of electronics and digital media?

Well, apart from the detectives that assigned me here, obviously.

But regardless of that, I'm genuinely starting to like it here. It took Jisoo a couple days to warm up to me, but after she stopped looking at me as if she wanted to vanish every time I opened my mouth to ask her a question, I realised that she's not that bad really. She's a softie through and through on the inside. I've caught her more than a few times playing Animal Crossing in the break room and I know for a fact she has a matching Hello Kitty key-chain and makeup bag and in her locker for touching up on her eyeliner every now and again.

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