16. The Double-Date Day

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Jennie never ended up fulfilling her promise of taking me to the national museum to pose in front of some statues, but it's okay. What we wound up doing instead was just as fun, if not more so.

After finishing brunch, we piled into our little four seater car to begin the drive to Rosie and Jisoo's houses to drop them off, but then Chu mentioned how there was a carnival on later and asked us if we wanted to go. Of course we were all up for that. So whilst we waited for it to get darker, we spent the day wandering round the mall, getting street food for lunch (one thing ticked off my bucket list), and just generally hanging out. It felt good to see Jisoo relaxed in a way I'd never really seen her before. I think this small reunion with Rosé has done her some good, the whole afternoon just felt like a fun double date. It had been a busy day though, so by the time it hit 4, we were exhausted. Jen drove us all back to ours to chill before the evening festival.

"Do you guys drink anything other than wine?" Jisoo was pulling yet another bottle of Chardonnay out of our cupboard with a look of distaste, placing it next to the 6 others already lined up. "I thought you're a lesbian Ruby, so where's all your beer, spirits, hard liquor?"

"Mmmm, we might have some pink gin in the next cabinet."

"Have anything that doesn't taste like pure unicorn vomit?" She sneered.

"Shut up Jisoo, you just haven't looked hard enough. Move." Jennie hip bumped her out of the way so she could delve into the fridge. "There should be a six pack of beer buried right at the back here somewhere." It was my turn to enjoy the view this time around, as she stuck her head into the refrigerator, unintentionally shaking her ass about.

Rosé took a seat on the ground next to our floor-to-ceiling window, gazing down at the city below. She whistled, in awe. "Damn, you guys have a nice apartment." She spread herself out on the cool wooden floors, closing her eyes with her hands behind her head.

"Thanks." I chuckled as I rolled her a beer,seating my butt next to her. "Say, I don't mean to pry..." She sat up slightly as she opened her can, "But how do you guys even afford a place this nice in the city, on both of your salaries? I mean, no offense, but you work at PlanetRadio and Ruby with me...I just can't seem to comprehend how the two of you managed to pull this off, it's impressive..."

"No, it's the wit-pro budget!" But don't worry, of course I didn't actually say that.

"Erm, well, our parents help us out. A lot,clearly." I scratched at my nape.

She roamed her eyes around the room again in wonder, before taking a gulp of beer.

"Oh yeah? It's awesome that you guys have parents that help you out, as well as being cool with letting you and Ruby be together." She sighed, leaning back. "My conservative, Korean parents can't relate." I noticed as a flash of something, that may have been sadness, cast over her face, but it vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. I felt bad about lying to her, but there was nothing I could do.

I watched with her as the city moved in a rush below us, the sun slowly beginning it's descent. "Guess you and Ruby are some of the lucky ones, huh?"

She moved her can to clink it with mine, before we both took a sip.

"Yeah Rosie, I guess so. Real lucky..."


Holding Jisoo's palm in my left hand and Jen's in my right, I could barely hear my own voice over the screaming of thousands of people.

I felt like I was going to die.

Man, do I love fairground rides!

"We are never going on anything that crazy ever again!" Jisoo held an index finger up as she crouched, trying her best to stop her head from spinning.

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