12. The Quarrel

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Jen~ Ruby

The drive home from work gave me time to reflect on everything that happened yesterday. I stayed a little past closing time to talk more with Rosie, and her older sister Alice who provided some pretty useful relationship advice. It was unanimously decided that I should talk to Lisa, tonight and settle things, apologise. I hope she was home. I hope she was safe.

Despite having gone on a food shop yesterday, I brought us some takeout pizza and dessert. I'm not in the mood to cook (not that I ever do), and I doubt Lisa's whipped something up. I turned the key in the door slowly, in case she was asleep. I wouldn't want to wake her. I took my shoes off quietly in the little entrance way and inched inside, balancing two medium pizza boxes and a plastic bag with milk ice cream and a large bottle of chocolate milk. It's Lisa's favorite. I still remember that night I first saw her in the corner store,looking in the refrigerator at all the flavored milk. A couple weeks ago I pretended to act indifferent when she told me it was her ideal choice of drink, as if I hadn't already retained that fact about her weeks ago.

The lights were all turned off and the TV was playing some nature documentary, but the volume was on low and the screen unwatched. Engulfed in my duvet on the middle of the sofa was Lise. She was softly snoring , half her face obscured by the blankets and pillows surrounding her. I let out a breath that I felt I'd been holding since last night. Order seemed to be somewhat restored in my universe now, so I was glad.

Placing the food on the dining table, I went to have a quick shower before changing into an oversized sweatshirt and biker shorts. I was shocked to find Lisa sitting on one of the counters in the kitchen when I returned, sipping on a glass of water. Her hair was in two pretty french braids along the back of her head and her bangs looked all fluffy and soft. My fingers itched to stroke her hair into place.

I cleared my throat, letting her know I was there.

"Hi, sorry, I hope I didn't wake you."

She placed the glass down and sat cross legged on the counter. "It's okay, I'd been asleep for ages anyway, it's already 8 so.." Gosh did I miss the sound of her voice.


Silence fell for a brief moment as she placed her glass in the sink.



I blushed. "Sorry, you go first."

"No, you." She fiddled with the end of a braid.

"Okay well, I was just gonna say that ,I wasn't sure if you'd eaten yet so I brought pizza." I gestured to the boxes on the table even though she'd obviously already seen them. "I got both veggie and pepperoni, you know, so we have options..." Was I nervous? I never get this tense around her.

"So I can see, thank you."

"Should I get some plates out?" She nodded and helped me set out the food in front of the TV. Choosing to save on washing up, we instead opted to use napkins for the pizza. We sat on the floor with the boxes laid out between us on the coffee table.

"Oh before I forget.." I rushed out and came back holding the... "I know you like chocolate milk so I got you a bottle, I hope it's the right brand." I rotated the container in my hand, all of a sudden concerned I may have purchased the wrong one.

She chuckled softly. "Jen, stop fussing, it doesn't matter what brand it is." She grinned at me. "Thank you, for all this really, it's perfect."

I returned the smile and we went back to eating in silence. It was only when I was reaching for my 3rd slice that I noticed Lise had barely even touched her first.

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