11. The Guilt

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Lisa ~ Pranpriya

I didn't need anyone to look after me, and I certainly didn't need Jennie telling me who can and can't touch my body. I'm the boss of me. I am.

Accepting another drink from Momo, I watched as the boys took turns on the keg. It looked fun and all, sure, but my body was still raging after that argument . I bet she wants me to feel guilty. Well joke's on her, I don't.

"Are you feeling okay Priya?" BamBam snaked his arm around my waist, it was becoming somewhat of a habit of his.

"I'm fine, really, why does everyone keep asking me that tonight?" I emptied my cup.

"Why don't we go get another drink, loosen you up." I don't know why I agreed, but I did. Maybe because my hand felt warm in his and quite frankly, I was getting bored of the crowd. I should have gone with Jen anyway.

No I shouldn't have.

Ugh my head hurts.

Once inside, a red solo cup was in my clutches in an instant.

"So, wanna go somewhere alone?"

I furrowed my brows confused,weren't we already alone?

"Aren't we already alone BamBam?"

Tucking a stray hair behind my ear, he appeared exasperated.

"No, I mean properly alone. Has Lucas given you the tour yet?"

"A private tour of his humble abode? No, I must have missed it, the music and drink was kinda distracting..."

"You know we're roommates, Lucas, Ten and I, so I could show you myself." He placed both his arms around me and pulled me closer., leaning down to kiss me. He felt slightly rough and not nearly as warm as... anyway still I kissed him back. I took a final sip from my cup, grabbing his hand.

"Lead the way."

In our rush through the multitude of people and up the stairs, we bumped into Jisoo.

"Pranpri, I've been looking for you everywhere." She was dressed in a way that was effortlessly cool and undeniably Jisoo. In her mini-dress, fishnet tights, black lipstick, with her pale, glowy skin, she seemed to radiate confidence. She certainly seemed a lot more sober than I felt. I hope she was actually swaying from side to side and that it wasn't just a result of my overactive imagination and clouded judgement...

BamBam stepped in front of me. "Do we have to do this right now Jisoo? Priya and I are kinda in the middle of something."

She looked at our intertwined hands with narrowed eyes. "Clearly." She placed a hand on her hip, effectively blocking BamBam from pushing past. "I just wanted to let you know that your friend, umm, Ruby was it? Yeah, she took off about an hour ago, seemed upset for some reason that proceeds me. Anyway, she made me promise to drop you off home later okay, so don't fuck off somewhere, apparently I'm responsible for your ass now."

I didn't think it was possible for me to roll my eyes so hard. "Just ignore her Jisoo, she's obsessed with me. I can take care of myself, I'll be just fine."

She held her hands up in defense. "Okay, don't shoot the messenger, there's no need to bitch. Don't die or whatever and make sure you come to find me when you want to leave, you have my number."

I had no intention of calling her tonight.

"Are we done here? Great." As BamBam dragged me up the stairs, I didn't have the courage to deal anymore with Jisoo and face the disappointed look in her eyes.

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