14. The MN p.2

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I hooked my arms around her thighs to hold her down as I licked her slowly from the bottom of her slit to the top, being careful not to add too much pressure just yet. I fluttered my tongue around her gently, unable to control my grin. She writhed below me, forcing me to shift my hands underneath her ass to keep her thighs apart.

"Jennie, oh shit." Her grip on my hair only got stronger as her back arched off the bed and she squirmed in my mouth.

"Stay still, we're just getting started." I instructed, sucking in a breath of air before diving back into Lisa, feeling her shake for longer with every swirl. "Lisa." I warned against her clit, cum glazing all over my tongue. She ignored my commands, hips rolling faster into my mouth as her moans climbed higher in volume.

I rubbed the insides of her thighs as I left open mouthed kisses on her shaved mound. Lisa was so warm and sensitive, she tasted so good that I couldn't get enough. Latching onto her clit, I sucked at it harshly before slowly inching my tongue deeper and deeper into her pussy, causing her to tighten the hold of her legs around my head. I used my fingers to spread her glossy lips open even wider, exposing the sight of her pink pussy clenching around my tongue as it glided through her opening.

"Nini, mmmm...I, I.. fuck!" I looked up to see her head thrown back with her chest rising up and down as she played with her breasts,struggling to catch her breath, the sounds of me lapping up her juices, resonating across the room. Once she was wet enough, I slipped two fingers in her and gently pumped in and out, bringing her to the edge.

Lisa cried out from the over stimulation, pulling frantically and the bed sheets. "Baby, please, I can't." She started pleading for mercy as I slammed 3 fingers in, filling her up to the hilt. I tenderly kissed her pelvic bone and waist as I made scissoring motions with my fingers that caused her body to convulse, coaxing her to orgasm. Lili muttered incoherent words as she clenched around my fingers once more, causing me to ram against her even harder. The bed was shaking against the wall, but we were way past the point of caring what the neighbors might think.

She instantly came apart underneath my body, cum the shade of cream spilling out of her opening.

I lapped it all up.


The world was completely spinning as my orgasm dragged out, rendering me disorientated.

Wow. That was even better than any sex I've ever had before.

I twitched as Jen pried her wet fingers out of me before quickly replacing them with her tongue as she gently cleaned me. I propped myself up on my elbows as I watched her finish up and wipe at her cum-coated mouth.

"Did you like that princess?" I grabbed her by the scruff of her shirt and pressed a sticky kiss to her lips.

"Does that answer your question baby?" I brought her fingers to my lips, whimpering as I tasted myself all over her. I was ready for another round all over again.

This time I was in charge as I flipped our positions over, me straddling Jennies legs. She traced her hands over my hips and down my ass as she pushed me into her further.

"You like it when I grind on you Nini?" I put my hands up behind my head and leant back slightly as I began to gyrate and spread my wetness all over her thigh. I heard her breath hitch as she bit her bottom lip hard.

"Please don't tease me Lise, I've waited for you for so long, I'm aching." she nuzzled her head into my chest as she licked at my chest.

I spread Jennie legs apart and wrapped one around my waist as I brought my pussy over to meet with hers. Pure ecstasy was all I felt as our clits met. She humped up, meeting me with the same frantic energy.


"Yes Nini?" I held onto her harder as my nails clawed against her back, desperate for release.

"I'm close, right there." She brought a finger down to rub at both of our sweet spots, causing me to scream out in pleasure as sweat rolled down my forehead, making my bangs stick to me.

"That's it baby, almost there." She clasped her hands onto my waist, making us move even faster, the sounds coming from our pussy's were truly sinful.

My whole body went rigid before I came all over Jennie a second time, her release following soon after mine. We made out in a tangle of frantic snogging and lip biting before we collapsed onto the bed, falling into each others arms as we lay in damp bed sheets, our breathing unstable.

"I love you Jennie."

She rolled to the side and held me to her chest. "Gosh, I love you too Lisa, so, so much."

The smell of our combined cum filled the room as we snuggled into each other, legs intertwined. I was so exhausted as I buried my face into her, the soothing feeling of Jennie as she brushed through my hair, sending me to sleep.


I woke up to the sounds of the shower running in Jennie's en-suite. The clock on her bedside table said it was only 8:30 in the morning, so I sunk back into the sheets as I stretched out my body. Let's just say, I was sore in places I haven't been sore in for a while. The memories of what went down in this bed last night caused me to blush as I remembered I was lying here naked.

I got up to retrieve an oversized hoodie of Jen's to put on, but seeing as she's considerably shorter than me, they all reached just below my ass cheeks. I crawled along the floor, on the lookout for where my panties might have landed, when she reemerged.

"Now that's a view I don't mind waking up to every morning." She slapped my butt lightly as she pulled open her wardrobe, dropping her towel in front of her. I sat back on my heels as I pulled at the hem of the jumper.

"Not funny Nini, it's not my fault all your clothes are fun sized." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"On the contrary, I think you look hilarious, adorable even." She quipped as she fastened her bra and slid on some fresh underwear.

I yawned as I scratched at my head. "Hey, why are we up so early today, you don't have work for 2 days, and I already texted Lucas last night to cover my shift for me.." It was during our somewhat romantic meal last night that I decided that I wanted to spend time with Jennie on her day off today. We don't seem to hang out that often just the two of us, so I took initiative last night to make it happen.

"Ro messaged me this morning, said an old friend got in touch with her to have brunch but she wanted some moral support, so I said we'd be happy to go along with her."

I pouted, a little miffed that we had to spend the morning with Rosie. "But what about our bonding time Nini? It's so rare that we both get a day off."

She rolled her eyes as she opened her arms. "Come here poopoo." I sat on her lap as she kissed all over my cheeks and chin. "It'll only be for a little while, an hour, 2 hours at the most. Please, for me.." She looked at me with those sorry feline eyes, her mandu cheeks puffing out in pleading.

"Alright, fine, but if we don't get to see the national museum or at least eat some street food later, I'm gonna be seriously mad." She placed a kiss on my lips that made me melt into her.

"Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She tickled at my ribs causing me to squirm in her lap and throw my head back in laughter. She held me as I tried to regain my composure.

"Okay,go, have a quick shower Lisa, we don't have much time, I need to find the directions to this cafe." She smacked my butt again, causing me to stand up. She has a habit of doing that.

"Wait we're not meeting at Coffee House? That's weird...."

Jennie was still for a moment before shrugging. "Yeah, you're right, I guess it is a bit weird we're meeting Ro somewhere else. Still, maybe a change of scenery will be a good thing." She picked up her brush and resumed combing through her hair.

I nodded as I walked off into the shower room, my stomach grumbling.

Hmmm, maybe brunch wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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