10. The 31st

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Lisa ~ Pranpriya

I came home to the gentle hum of R'n'B playing down the hall.

"Lis, is that you?"

"Who else would it be?" I yelled back as I threw my bag and keys onto the coffee table.

She opened her bedroom door, funneling more music through the house.

"I'm just getting ready, come help me choose what to wear."

"Be there in a second, just gonna have a quick shower and change."

By the time I'd finished washing up, I could tell that Jen was still no where near done. I tentatively knocked on her door. I was surprised she could hear it over the music that was blasting.

"In here!"

It was the first time I'd properly stepped into her room, but I was not prepared for the sight that I witnessed.

"Jesus, your room is an absolute mess, how do you find anything in here?"

"Relax, it's not that bad. Here, have a drink, calm yourself." She poured a glass of red wine and held the cup out to me. I eyed it with suspicion.

"What? It's clean I swear."

Not taking her word for it, I grabbed the bottle from her left hand and proceeded to drink from that instead.

"Suit yourself Lalisa."

Jennie emptied the glass of wine she'd poured for me down her throat in record speed.

"Anyway, I can't seem to figure out what sort of look to go for, you know? I'm like, do I wear a simple spaghetti strap dress, or whip out this cute little number with the frills.."

I shoved a few tee-shirts, a sock,sweater,thong and what I hope was a clean tissue off the end of Jennie's bed to make room for me to sit down.

"Err, to be honest, I'm sure anything will be okay. Like I said, it's just gonna be a small get together, couple of people from work, so no need to stress it." I watched as Jennie held half her hair up in one hand and posed in front of the mirror.

"Oh Lisa. Sweet, sweet innocent Lisa. Did you not realise that today is October 31st already? That means it's most likely a Halloween thing. We have to make a bit of an effort cause there is no way we are showing up in costume, fuck that."

I took a hearty swig from the bottle. "Jen, I can assure you, no one will be in costume, they'll probably be 10, 15 people there tops. I'm literally just gonna go in these jeans and a crop top."

"That's what you're wearing?" She gave me a look that said she disapproved.

"I'll throw on some heels to elevate the ensemble then."

"Well at least do something with your hair too."

I ran a few fingers limply through my blonde waves. Sure the ends were a bit damp from the shower, but overall I thought I looked presentable. "What's wrong with my hair?"

"Nothing much, but I could help spruce you up a bit, work my magic." She wriggled her fingers.

"I don't need your help Jennie, now hurry up, it's already 7."

"Ugh, but I still don't know what to wear!" She suddenly flung off the oversized shirt she was wearing, leaving it to join the pile of clothing that had already accumulated on the floor.

"Jennie!" I almost choked on the wine as I averted my eyes from her reflection in the mirror.

"Oh chill out. Haven't you ever seen a girl in her underwear before?"

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