30. The Healing Process

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It's finally over.

The trial was this afternoon at City Court in Turnbank. Mom and I made the trip down last night and we're gonna be staying with Jennie at her's for a week or so. Despite preparing for this day with my lawyers and Jeongyeon for weeks, I couldn't help feeling like a bag of nerves this morning. Jennie got up early to make us breakfast, which was so thoughtful of her and sweet, but I just couldn't bring myself to take more than a few bites. Instead, 3 cups of black coffee was my fuel for the day as we drove over to court. The button on my blouse was suffocating me, the heels I was wearing a little too tight, only adding to how stuffy I was feeling.


We begun with Jisoo recounting the events that happened in the family room,with Jin barging in uninvited. She mentioned how he stabbed Maxwell too (Mimi also gave a testimony to this and being a doctor herself, her evidence really convinced the jury of just how dangerous and impulsive Jin is.) Alice then spoke, describing the conditions of the shack and how Jin will stop at nothing to earn money, even in the most unlawful ways. My lawyer read out the injuries I'd sustained during the time I was held hostage by him. Then Namjoon and Jeongyeon showed images of the state I was kept in down in the basement and a few of pictures of me in lingerie that Jin took on his phone (pixelated, of course, for my dignity). Up until that moment I'd been able to stay strong,no tears, not even so much as a whimper. But something about seeing the photos like that,took me back to what it was like to actually be there. Feeling hopeless, abused,exhausted. I held onto Jennies hand a little bit tighter, until it was my turn to testify.

He was sentenced to 50 years, without parole. That's basically life, so I'll take it.

I didn't so much as shed a tear after the judge announced the verdict, staring him down as the officers grabbed him by the cuffs. The asshole didn't even look at me in the eye once, he barely looked at anyone, only smiling weakly at his Mother as they dragged him away. Mrs Kim was in pieces,bless her. Jisoo was rolling her eyes at how her Mother could be feeling so sorry for her son, but I get it, he's still her baby. The anger in my heart had melted away by the time we'd left the courtroom.

All I wanted now was to be alone.

I kind of expected things to hurt a little less after he got his punishment, but it hardly feels any better. It doesn't reverse what happened, him being locked away won't heal my emotional scars. I finally pulled away from the unyielding hug I was receiving from Solar, to excuse myself to go to the bathroom. She told me to be quick because we were leaving to head back to Jennies to celebrate. I gave my best happy face, though I didn't feel like celebrating much.

I splashed some cold water on myself to help liven up, but the only thing it did for me was smudge my eyeliner and streak my foundation. Pulling some toilet roll out of a stall, I tried my level best to save what little makeup I had left on, until a sniffle made me pause and stare at the doors behind me in the reflection of the mirror.



"Is anyone else in here?" Still quiet. "It's me by the way. It's Lisa.." The person raggedly exhaled and I recognised instantly who it was.

"Chu? Are you alright? Do you need a tampon or something?" I began to rifle through my bag for one as I waited for a response. There was no sound again for a moment, the two of us just vibing in there, waiting for the other to say something. Eventually she slid the latch open, stepping out of the stall. She looked at me with such sad panda eyes that I instantly extended my arms out to hug her.

"Oh Chu, don't cry." It was the first time I'd ever seen her properly bawl. I mean,she'd shed tears of frustration at Christmas, but she didn't sob like this. She was wailing so hard that her whole body was shaking while she buried her head into my neck, making loud gulping sounds as she struggled to find the breath to calm down and speak. I stroked at her hair, soothing her best I could.

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