20. The Cabin

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When Jisoo said we were going to be staying at her family's cabin by the lake I didn't know quite what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this.

It was definitely one of, if not the largest home I've ever had the privileged of being invited into

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It was definitely one of, if not the largest home I've ever had the privileged of being invited into. It was enormous, and so far I'd only seen the front .The driveway alone was like a half a mile long and the structure was made of oak with the most intricate detailing carved into the bark. She told me on the drive over that it had been in her family for generations. It was a masterpiece of a home, and if I had my camera with me I'd have taken a million pictures so I could forever remember this moment, but I didn't,so my phone had to suffice.

"Hey Priya, once you're done gawking at the house, do you mind giving a helping hand with our stuff?"

"Shit, yeah sorry of course, but in my defense you never told me you lived in a fricken castle!"

"Hey, I don't live here all the time, only for a couple nights a year." I playfully rolled my eyes at her bragging as we hauled our bags out from the trunk. When Jisoo had instructed me to pack, she told me to 'pack enough for around 3 nights, a nice evening dress, a Christmas jumper and ski appropriate attire'. After informing her that we lived in the city and I wasn't the heiress to some corporate giant so therefore didn't own any skiing clothes, she told me not to worry and that she'd hook me up. I didn't realise 'hook me up' meant packing her whole wardrobe and another mini suitcase for accessories. Nevertheless, we finally pulled the last of our luggage out of my car and I braced myself for the hike to the foyer. Yeah, they had a whole ass foyer.

"Okay, I'll take these 3 bags, you pull that suitcase an-"

"Oh you don't have to worry about that Priya, see, right on time." She tilted her head to the left where sure enough, a man in a full suit and a bellboy hat was walking rapidly in our direction. I stood there mouth agape as he bowed before us.

"Welcome to Kim Cabin. I've been awaiting your arrival. Miss Kim, Miss Brüschweiler, please, make your way into the house, I'll gladly take care of the bags."

"Thank you Maxwell." Jisoo discreetly slipped what looked to be $10 into his coat pocket before linking arms with me.

"Come on Priya, I can't wait to give you the grand tour.." As Jisoo led me up the drive and to the steps I couldn't help turning back to see if I had just imagined that butler or if he was really there. Yet when I glanced back, him and all our things, had already gone.


The apartment was silent. Nothing new. I gave each room the once over to ensure I hadn't forgotten anything and hastily decided to just leave before I changed my mind. Lisa had already gone, there was no point in staying. One last look at our naked Christmas tree, the only remotely festive thing in the flat, and I left.

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