24. The Detective

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Rosie Park

The atmosphere at the cabin this year was hectic, but for all the wrong reasons.

A search helicopter has been circling the estate and surrounding area for about 20 minutes so we're all doing our level best to keep calm. I'm freaking out inside though. Chu told me that Ruby is on her way and I can't even begin to imagine how awful she must be feeling. If there's anything I've learnt in these short couple of months that I'v known them, is that Ruby Jaymes and Pri are head over heels for one another. The thought of such a tragic incident tearing them apart can't even bear thinking about. Jisoo and I may not be officially dating, but I know she's the closest I'v ever come to finding love. If I find out that Jin has something to do with wrecking yet another relationship between two girls who just happened to fall in love, I think I might just finally kill him.

"Rosie are you in here?" I was sitting on the windowsill up in the turret room, clutching onto a kitten plushie that belongs to Pri. I just needed a break from the chaos downstairs, a moment to think, but now Yeri is calling for me so I have to respond. Can't have them thinking another one of us has gone AWOL.

"Up here!"

"Oh, there you are, what are you doing up here?" I shrugged, stroking the toys smooth fur.

"Nothing, just taking a breather." She plopped herself next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. She had a sorrowful vibe about her, we all did. I abandoned the kittens grey coat, instead opting to run my fingers through her chestnut hair.

"Do you think Priya will be alright Ro?" She looked up at me with those big almond eyes and I had to bite my tongue to prevent from telling a lie. Truth is, I had no idea. Hugging her closer to my chest, we looked out at the view of the snow topped mountains from the window.

I think my silence told Yeri everything she needed to know.


It was difficult to break the news to her but I had to explain to Luci that this was a trip I had to take by myself. The conversation we had about it being to dangerous for me to go it alone was giving me deja vu, but yet again I wasn't going to back down. I'm beginning to think I have an overpowering trait of stubbornness, but the current urgency of the situation didn't leave much time for me to reflect on why I am the way I am. If we're looking for a sure fire answer though, I'd blame my parents.

When she realised there was no point debating with me any longer, Lucille handed me her car keys (after warning me 100 times to be careful because roads were icy) and a couple turkey sandwiches for the road. I thanked her profusely, with a big hug and kiss (even though I knew I wasn't going to have time to eat my packed lunch), before heading off for the highway, determined to find my Lisa.


It took me 4 and a half hours, but I finally made it to the cabin. Night had fallen already as it was nearing 7pm, and I crossed all my fingers and toes that they'd found Lili safe and sound by now. For the past half hour I'd been driving down a narrow path in thick forest, illuminated by the one working headlight on Lucille's car, but I got through eventually. Once I got to a clearing, I just had to follow the sound of helicopter blades rotating, alongside the flashing of police sirens and I was fairly confident I had reached my destination. The cabin's driveway looked like something out of NCIS. There was police tape wrapped around trees, officers in full uniform plus I'd counted at least 3 choppers in the sky and I had barely even stepped foot onto the property.

Lord give me strength.

I hopped out of the car and grabbed my bag out the trunk, making my way to what I'm pretty sure is the front entrance. It was so grand, it would've been hard to miss it. I got ready to walk over and find Jisoo when a bulky arm intercepted me, smacking right into my middle.

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