27. The Photographs

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It's been three days since Christmas, and six days since I last saw Lisa.

My body's functioning on autopilot and coffee, with no desire to eat or sleep. I'm just wafting about, existing. We're all still here at the cabin. Sure, the company's been nice and the staff are helpful, but no amount of room service and high thread-count bedding can distract me from the reason why we're all still here. Hoping and praying that Lisa is returned soon.

This morning Detective Yoo finally got back in touch, letting me know that she'd contacted the precinct back home and that she'd be driving up to let us know the next plan of action. That gives me something to hold out for I suppose. It's pretty evident to everyone that I'v let myself go the last couple of days. My hair is never brushed and it takes effort just to clean my teeth. I haven't seen much point in changing out of these flannel pajama's and glasses are a permanent fixture to my face now. But I don't mind.

What's the point of getting all dressed up when the person I used to make an effort for,has gone.

I spend the majority of the day cooped up in bed staring blankly at the ceiling, crying to Rosie or cradling Chen's baby on the off chance I don't scare her with my weary expression. Don't get me wrong, she's adorable and comforting, sure, just not much of a conversationalist.

A gentle knock on the door tore my attention away from my phone, where I was scrolling through old photo's of Lisa, (a habit that Yeri insists I should break as it only leads me to sob uncontrollably), and towards Jisoo, who's head was peeking out from behind the door frame.

"Hey, Jenby?"

"See you still haven't dropped that god-awful nickname yet Chu..." I wrapped the quilt tighter around myself due to the draught that crept in after she opened the door.

Taking the hint, Jisoo closed the door and situated herself on the edge of the bed. After obviously looking over my shoulder, she tutted.

"You've gotta quit doing that you know?"

"Doing what?" I sniffed, wiping at my eyes in an unhelpful attempt at composing myself.

"Torturing yourself like this." She swiped the phone out of my grasp, viewing an image of Lisa that I'd taken on one of our late night drives. It was a little blurry and dark, yet the camera still perfectly captured her smile .


"It's for your own good." She offered her hand to me. "We're gonna find her, I promise, let's not lose hope."

I couldn't help nibbling at my bottom lip, feeling dejected.

"Come on, let's go, a detective is here, said she has news for us and she has someone with her you're gonna wanna see. I figured you wouldn't want to miss it."

"Oh, Jeongyeon's here already?" I slipped my palm into hers, shuffling in bunny slippers as she took us downstairs.

"I don't know, it's just some detective. I had no idea you were on a first name basis so soon.."

"Only with Jeongyeon." Jisoo gave me a look. "What? She seems okay, plus she's been helpful, and she actually listens. It's rare that cops do that." I bit my lip to prevent from gushing about her too much as Chu was eyeing me suspiciously. Am I not allowed to have friends now?

"Right...just don't fall for her or anything." I giggled at Chu's remark.

"Shut up, as if. You know I love Lisa, and Lisa only."

With linked arms, she nudged me as we reached the bottom of the staircase.

"I was only kidding Jen,plus, I don't doubt that fact for a second."

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