28. The Rescue

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We stayed huddled around the kitchen island concocting a plan all night as to how we were going to go about returning Lisa from the shed she was being held hostage in by Jin. Last night as I lay my head on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling, I wished that this would be the last night I slept without Lili right beside me. A lot is riding on this going right, so only time will tell.

It's 6am. It felt like I'd slept for about two seconds but the fatigue swiftly wore off when Rosé stirred me awake. The two of us along with Jisoo and Alice, got dressed quietly so as to not disturb the others and prepared to head to the driveway where Jeongyeon,Namjoon, and their team were waiting. I tugged at the sleeves on my thick cashmere sweater as I stared on in bewilderment. All of these people were here so early so help bring Lisa home. The thought moved me to tears, but I hastily wiped at my face, not wanting to bring attention to myself. Today, I had to be strong for Lisa.  There were 3 other police cars,a police dog was in the backseat of one, as the four of us piled into Namjoon's Jeep.

"Anyone hungry for some breakfast?"

Rosie was passing around a tupperware box with some muffins and 2 flasks full of coffee. Jisoo playfully rolled her eyes.Of course Rosé would be thinking about a meal at a time like this, but I felt way too anxious to eat. Instead I declined, leaning my head against the window as Namjoon drove us deeper into the woods. The sun hasn't risen yet, so the landscape's foggy, painted with faint swirls of navy blue and lilac. The soft hum of the engine paired with mellow background chatter, tenderly coaxed me to into a light sleep. The first one I'd had in a while.


"Jen, get up, we're here."

Blinking my eyes open, I scanned the environment outside the car window. Tree's appeared to be encompassing us for miles on end, as far as the eye can see. There was now a little bit of light from the sun, peeking through the branches, but otherwise, it was still dim and quiet. So incredibly quiet.

"So this is it?" I noticed Jeongyeon and Alice talking a couple feet away from the car, a small camouflaged marquee set up where there where desks, a computer, and other fancy detective equipment being laid out. Jisoo must have caught the glint of curiosity in my eye as she extended her hand to me, leading me out of the car. The daybreak wind was sharp, the frost nipping at my nose and ears. I saw Rosie hunched in another marquee with Namjoon a couple tents down. They were deep in conversation as she peered through some binoculars, hair now tied in a high ponytail. This was getting all too real.

"Ah Jennie, you're awake." Jeongyeon smiled at me, broadening her stance with hands placed on her hips. She was always so motivated but she spoke a little too animatedly for so early in the morning. I have no idea how someone could be so chirpy before 8 o'clock in the morning.

"Yeah, guess I needed more sleep than I realised." With my arms crossed, I peered at the devices on the table behind Jeongyeon and Alice. Noticing they'd peaked my interest, she got right into explaining what was going to happen.

"We've set up camp approximately 45 yards away from Jins location, hense why we have to remain as quiet as possible so he isn't alerted that we're nearby. Here-"

She handed me a pair of binoculars, similar to the ones I just saw Rosie holding. I crouched down so I was opposite the gap in the marquee, looking through the eye-wear.

"If you tilt just a smidge to the left Jennie, you'll see the roof of a wooden shack, just through the clearing there."

My breath caught in my throat as I pressed the binoculars closer to my face. So near yet so far. Holy shit.

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