29. The Visit

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My nurse is called Jihyo. She's kind and she makes me feel more at ease than the other doctors. When I arrived here at noon, they wasted no time checking my vitals and hooking me up to an IV. Apparently I'm severely dehydrated as well as low on iron.

When Jihyo had to help me change into a hospital gown, I didn't miss the slight raise of her eyebrows when she saw the bruises on my body. It's my first time seeing them in the light as well. Splotches of purple and blue dotted around my stomach, arms and thighs. I have 2 particularly sore and yellowing bruises above my hips, marks left behind from where he'd grab at my pelvis with force.

I gritted my teeth,trying not to flinch as Jihyo trailed lightly over my tender flesh with a gloved finger. I never really gave myself much time to think about how much things hurt before, but now all of a sudden everything feels so much clearer. Kind of like when you cut yourself shaving but it doesn't seem to register until you realise there's blood trickling down your leg, and then for some reason, it starts to sting badly.

Well it feels kinda like that. Like I'm seeing blood for the first time, no longer numb to the pain.

"Make yourself comfy and place each foot up into here." Nurse Jihyo's eyes were gentle, she had the kind of face I could trust, as she watched me hoist myself up and place my feet into the stirrups. This was the part I was dreading. I know for a fact it's gonna feel the opposite of comfy. I clasped my hands together tightly,holding my breath. She turned around, face mask on, equipment in hand.

"I'm just gonna need to take some samples, okay sweetheart?" I nodded, hair ruffling against the crinkly pillow.

"Just relax for me,breathe in and out..that's it."

They needed to swab me for semen samples. It would provide solid evidence of what Jin had done to me. I tried not to squirm, but thankfully Jihyo was fast and efficient, assuring me that I'd done so well and was free to place my feet back down.


After I'd showered and finally got the chance to wash my hair, Jihyo wheeled me to the next location. Everything's been super hectic that I haven't even had the chance to eat, so I'm kinda hungry. Lonely too. I was pretty much separated from the others as soon as I was put into the back of the ambulance and transported to the nearest available hospital. Jennie demanded to come with me for the drive, but even so, she wasn't permitted to cross a certain point after I had to leave for testing. Jihyo managed to sneak a pot of jelly from the cafeteria into her uniform for me to snack on as we waited outside the last door.

The ultrasound room.

I've never had one before, obviously, so I'm shitting bricks. It's only 'cause of TV and movies that I vaguely know what to expect. Is it wrong for me to hope that I'm not pregnant? I don't know what I'll do if I am, it doesn't bare thinking about.

"Miss Manoban?" I placed the dinky plastic carton of orange jelly down, as I was wheeled into the room.

The doctor squirted freezing cold gel onto my stomach, the temperature making me unconsciously clench my tummy. Jihyo held my hand for support as the two of them studied the screen to my left.

I couldn't bring myself to look.


I'm convinced that waiting rooms in hospitals are designed solely to drain the fucking life out of you. Jisoo,Rosé and I have been here, holding off until they're ready to take us to Lisa. Jeongyeon and Namjoon stayed back at the shack, hoping to catch and finally arrest the other members of the gang. Hopefully they'll catch the ringleader 'The Barber' or whatever stupid name he goes by, and then this whole crime-ring stuff will be dissolved. Alice dropped the others off here and went back to the cabin to pick up lunch and inform the family at the cabin that Lisa's been found.

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