17. The Phone Call

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Jen and I were trying our best to make coffee as silently as possible whilst the other two were asleep on the sofa. So far they'd managed to snore through the coffee machine switching on, so I think we were good for now.

"One or two sugars?"

"Mmm, can you do one and a half please?" Jen nodded, turning back to stir our mugs. Suddenly my phone started ringing, startling the crap out of the both of us.

"For gods sake, answer it quick, before the others hear!" Jen waved a tea towel at me, shooing me into her bedroom. I answered the call as I closed the door behind me.

"Hello?" I had only woken up a half hour ago, so my voice was still a little raspy.

"Hello, am I speaking to Miss Manoban? This is detective Lee." I sat gingerly on the edge of the bed and fiddled nervously with the blanket.

"Yes, it's Lisa speaking."

"Great. We just wanted to check in on how you and Miss Kim are fairing in our Witness Protection Programme. Do you have any questions or concerns?"

I shook my head before realising he couldn't see me. "No, we're good." I looked around at the room, before walking over to the window. "The apartment is nice too, thank you."

He chuckled. "Well, we rarely have to place citizens into WP, so the funds had been sitting there for a while, we're glad there's enough to make you comfortable." I thanked him again as I heard a gentle knock on the door. Jen came in holding two cups of coffee and placed them on the bedside table. I patted the space next to me and she sat down, leaning with me over the phone as I put the detective on speaker.

"I also rang to give you information on the current state of the case concerning you and Miss Kim. Unfortunately, there have been no new developments as of late, but we are tracking some leads so hopefully, we'll have the both of you back to safety before next year. I can't offer any promises though." Jen and I made eye contact before she snatched the phone from my hand.

"Excuse me detective..." She glanced at me, waiting for me to mouth her his name. Lee. "Lee, but are you suggesting we might be here until after Christmas?"

"That may very well be a possibility Miss Manoban."

"It's Kim speaking now. Jennie Kim, I-" She gave an exasperated sigh, "What if we have certain, commitments to make, ones that are difficult to withhold or reschedule...is there any way we can at least visit our relatives or arrange something..."

I knelt back on the bed as I watched Jen pace back and forth with the phone, trying to wager some kind of deal with the detective. She seemed frantic so I figured it wouldn't be a good time to interrupt, but I couldn't help wondering why she was suddenly so opposed to the idea of spending Christmas without her family. She avoids talking about them when I ask and always reiterates that the only thing her parents are good for is their money. Now, I love my Mom as much as the next guy, but I'd understand if the police say that seeing her before Christmas might be off the cards...I just wish I knew why this particular fact was driving Jen close to tears.

"Okay. Yes, I understand. Thanks again for everything. We'll let you know if we need anything. Bye, bye." She hung up the phone then hurled it onto the bed.

"Ugh, I fucking hate cops, they just, they should have found these guys already!" Her face was red and there were tears in her eyes as she started gathering some clothes together. "I'm gonna have a shower, I need to calm down, clear my head."

I said nothing as she slammed the bathroom door and ran the water. I sipped on my coffee (which was now lukewarm and kind of gross) and tried to think of what I can do to make her feel better. Minor problem, I don't know what her issue is. At the sound of the door unlocking, I sat up straight. Maybe I'm a little afraid of Jennie. She looked less angry now though, just sad. She'd thrown on some sweats and a red t-shirt, but it was stained on her shoulders as she'd left her hair down to drip all over her clothing. She bit her bottom lip as she came over to me.

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