Gerard Plays Nurse

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Frank is practically a zombie on the couch. It wasn't just a cold as Frank had said. It's nothing serious, but he can't really leave the building, because it's too cold. It's not even that cold, but Frank goes into a fit when he leaves the apartment. He keeps sneezing, and coughing. He's also pretty sure that he'll lose his voice soon because he has too much phlegm in his throat.

"You know if you'd have gone to the doctor when you started sneezing you might be better off now," Gerard says, looking down at Frank sadly.

"Don't patronize me, I'm sick," Frank mopes, voice sounding stuffy and nasal.

"I'm sorry," Gerard says honestly, "I didn't mean to be mean. Do you need anything?"

Frank keens dejectedly, and wraps himself tighter in a pile of blankets. He's trying to remember when he bought a Spiderman blanket, but he decides that it's probably Gerard's. It wouldn't surprise him.

"Do you want anything?"

"I don't know," Frank says.

"I mean, I could get you food. Soup? Like, I'll get you nice soup from a restaurant or something instead of the stuff that comes in a can, because you're sick. You deserve nice soup when you feel shitty," Gerard says.

Frank sighs, because he always feel shitty. He's in love with his roommate, so of course he always feels shitty. He should always have soup.

"I'm not sure I want soup," he replies. Frank has trouble finding good soup. He's a vegetarian, which kind of minimizes the soup spectrum. Basically there's different varieties of soggy vegetables, and that's about it.

Gerard frowns sympathetically, "I'm sorry you don't feel good, Frankie."

Frank tries to hide himself in the layers, smiling at how adorable Gerard is. He's always adorable, but he loves the way Gerard is considerate.

Frank is always getting sick. Gerard's acutely aware of his dysfunctional immune system, which has a habit of torturing the man at least every month or two. He'll be huddled up on the couch with a box of tissues and a paper grocery bag for discard, but it's become something he's greatly used to.

Gerard kind of likes being the nurse though. He likes getting to take care of Frank, so flimsy and helpless. This is the only time when he sees Frank so weak and in need, and though Frank is nothing more than his best friend, it quite entices and calms him. He likes making Frank soup, and watching him go through hour after hour of Sci-fi movie marathons, because apparently horror is too much when he's sick.

Frank is always very thankful and warm when he's ill. He respects that Gerard need not take care of him as he does, and the fact that Gerard is so willing makes him so appreciative. Gerard could just as easily avoid him or sleep elsewhere for a week, afraid of catching whatever virus Frank's acquired this time, but he doesn't. He takes care of Frank, and he's happy to do so.

Gerard always realizes how much he does truly value Frank's company in moments like these. It's more days than it is moments, because Frank never seems to get the 24 hour virus, but he still likes knowing Frank's around. He likes knowing that Frank is his best friend, and likes knowing that he's always just a room away, were he to ever need him.

He used to need Frank a little more, during the time he spent sobering up. Through it all, it was Frank that got him through that, and maybe he feels a bit like he owes Frank in that respect. Gerard knows completely, that Frank would never expect him to be there when he's sick, because Frank is far too good a person. He only really wanted to help Gerard during detox, but the fact that he helped is what makes Gerard so fond of the guy. He didn't have to, in the same respect that Gerard doesn't have to help Frank, but he did, and that's what counts.

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