Gerard Kisses Frank and Then It All Goes To Shit

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Frank had mostly just decided to walk around his apartment building a few times in hopes that by the time he got back, it'd be empty. In all honesty he's not very hungry because he ate a bunch of potato chips before Patrick came over. He's just not in the most sociable mood. By the time he makes his way back to the apartment, he just wants to sit in the living room and watch whatever the hell is on the TV.

When he enters the apartment he sees Gerard leaning over the counter biting his lip. He looks up when Frank enters, and he smiles which is slightly off-character. Frank doesn't say anything about it though, because Gerard's smile could light up the world. It's a pretty strong energy source as well. Gerard's smile is what gives Frank life.

"Hi Frank," Gerard says, and he walks around the counter to stand in the kitchen. Frank is trying to figure out what he needs in the kitchen that he didn't need a minute ago when Frank wasn't there.

"Hey?" Frank asks.

"We need to talk," Gerard says. Those are universally treacherous words. Luckily though, Frank's not dating Gerard so he isn't about to ask for them to breakup. Frank's come to the conclusion that no cinematic conversation that begins with 'we need to talk' can end with all parties being in a relationship.

"About what?" Frank asks.


"That's rather broad," Frank says. He opens the refrigerator for something to do. He looks at the empty shelves for a few seconds before he closes it again. He then looks back at Gerard who's closer to him than he had been a minute ago.

"Uh," Frank says. He'd have thought that nine days might provide him with some sort of immunity to the way he's in love with Gerard's mouth, but all of a sudden he feels himself regress into being a horny teenager. Gerard's mouth is like a foot away from his own, and it's driving him crazy.

"Frank," Gerard says simply and then he's closer, which is quite possibly the closest Frank can ever remember Gerard being ever. He's sure they've probably been closer than this, after all he's fallen asleep on the guys shoulder, but right now he's having trouble remembering.

"G-Gerard, why are you so close?" Frank asks.

"Felt like it," Gerard says. He can feel Frank's breath because he's so close. Subtlety is for morons honestly. Gerard just wants to kiss the guy already.

"You felt like getting really close and popping my personal bubble?"

"How old are you that you still use the term 'personal bubble'?" Gerard asks.

"I don't remember," Frank squeaks, because Gerard really is obscenely close. He can smell Gerard's breath even, and he's really intoxicated by it.

Frank's stubby fingernails dig into the counter behind him as he's backed up so far that he's practically sitting on it.

"Don't remember how old you are?" Gerard asks, and Frank literally whimpers. Gerard is bigger than him, and he's painfully attractive. He's also really close so that Frank is seeing everything in high definition, and fuck does Gerard look good in HD.

Frank can't even form a sentence so he just gets the one word he's looking for, "What..."

"Don't question it."

"This isn't real," Frank says, "this isn't happening."

"Frankie," Gerard sighs, brushing a hair out of Frank's face.

"Gerard, this isn't real," Frank insists.

"Frank, I'm real," Gerard tells him, "I promise."

"No. No you're n-not," Frank stutters when Gerard takes another step even closer, so that he's only inches away from his face. He's so close that Frank can feel Gerard's breath lightly falling over him. He can see the glimmer in Gerard's eyes, and the smallest flaws on his face. Frank can hear his own heart, and hopes Gerard can't hear it also, but it's so loud that he's sure everyone in the city can.

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