Gerard Is A Creeper

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"I don't like the name Aaron," Gerard remarks. Frank looks at him oddly, because that's an odd topic of conversation to have during breakfast.

"Why not?"

"I just don't. I don't like that name. I also don't like the name Ethel. Or Olga," Gerard says.

"Okay...?" Frank says, "and that's important because?"

"Well I don't know," Gerard says. He's been trying to figure out the source of his dislike for Aaron, and he thinks he's onto something. He doesn't like the name. That must be it.

"I like the name Aaron," Frank says.

"Really? Aaron? Like Aaron Paul? Who cooks meth? Is that how your boyfriend got to be so rich?"

"That's the weirdest fucking tangent you could have possibly made. So many Aaron's you could've chosen from, and you go with the guy who played the meth maker? How about Aaron Tveit. The cute one in musical theater," Frank says.

"I don't know I just don't like that name," Gerard shrugs, "just my opinion.

"Okay," Frank says, and he takes a sip of his coffee, trying to figure out what's up with Gerard. "So how do you feel about Aaron though? Other than his name, do you like him?"

"I, um, I don't really know him well enough to give a proper answer," Gerard says, which is his way of saying 'absolutely not. I fucking hate the guy with a fiery passion.'

"Okay," Frank nods, "well I think you might like him if you get to know him a little bit better."

Gerard struggles to hold back the 'there's absolutely no way in hell that's true' in his throat, but just ends up coughing. He coughs into his coffee mug slightly, and Frank looks at him inquiringly.

"You okay?" Frank asks.

"What? Oh I just, choked on my coffee a little bit. No big deal."

"Yeah," Frank nods, looking at him skeptically. "So I have to go to work now. I'll see you later, and hopefully you won't be acting so weird."

"Who's acting weird?" Gerard asks.

"You are, Gerard. You're acting weird."

"Oh," Gerard nods. "Sorry."

"Yeah," Frank says and he grabs his keys off the counter. He keeps looking over his shoulder at Gerard, and Gerard tries to compose himself to look perfectly innocent, though he doesn't know what he's covering up.

"Bye then," Frank says, and he walks out of the apartment after one more glance at Gerard.

Gerard sighs and his head falls onto the counter helplessly. He doesn't know why he's feeling so weird about all of this, he just is.

Frank's cold seemed to go away overnight, which is good news. Gerard can't exactly help but wonder why it went away so quickly, but he ignores that puzzlement in favor of questioning who this Aaron guy actually is.

Gerard's not exactly proud of himself for what he does next, but he's curious. He doesn't want Frank to be hurt, and he doesn't know why he doesn't trust Aaron.

Gerard checks out the peephole he'd looked through last night to make sure that the hall is empty, before he creeps back, and enters Frank's room. He doesn't go in here normally even when Frank is home, but this is even weirder. He wants to know more about this Aaron guy though, but he doesn't know the last name.

Frank's pretty tidy, unlike Gerard whose room looks like it got caught on the bad side of a hurricane. Nothing much is really out of place though, and Gerard tries to figure out where he'd put something pertaining to Aaron. He needs a surname if he's going to creepily Google the guy on the internet though.

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