Gerard and Frank are Adorable

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"Are we going to tell Mikey or wait for him to just figure it out?" Frank asks.

He's lying next to Gerard in bed, and mostly he's just trying to talk himself into sleep, because today's probably been the best day of his life and he wants to end it on a high note. Today was his and Gerard's first whole day as a real couple, and it felt fantastic. In more ways than one. Mostly emotionally, but physically it didn't feel bad either.

"He'll figure it out sooner or later. He's stupid, and I hate him, but he's not that stupid," Gerard says.

"Well alright," Frank says, "You know I have to find a job."

"I blame Aaron for you getting fired," Gerard says.

"Of course you do."

"I hate him."

"So I've heard," Frank says.

"Do you not hate him? Seriously? He threw a bowl at your face."

"I remember what happened. I just, I guess, I was really surprised by what he did. It didn't seem like him. I don't exactly like him looking back on it, but I still haven't figured out who the hell he actually was."

"He was a dick," Gerard says.

Frank nods, and looks at Gerard, curling into him a little more, "he was. He was a charming asshole."

"Emphasis on the asshole," Gerard says.

"You know, Gerard. I'm content with my decision. I like you miles more than I ever liked Aaron. I feel way different about you than I did about him, and I always have. I don't want you to insult the person he was though. Before the incident, he was still a good person. I still liked him. I guess he was just massively jealous, and I never saw it. I wish I had, because then I wouldn't have wasted as much time as I did swooning over him instead of you. Maybe we could've had a little bit more time together, but still, I don't regret knowing him."

"I hated him," Gerard says, "I'm not going to be like him, you know."

"I know."

"I can't take you to fancy restaurants, or buy you expensive presents. I can't show you off to all my rich friends and make them jealous of how hot my boyfriend is, because all my friends are your friends too. I can't be this debonair, button-down businessmen," Gerard says.

"I know. I wouldn't want you to be. I want the guy who eats pizza on Friday's and has a cubicle job that barely pays a legal wage. I want the guy who already knows all of my friends," Frank says, "the fact is that I don't care about how much money you have, I just like you."

Gerard smiles and squeezes Frank with the arm he has around his back. He's come to the conclusion that Frank is the best cuddler in the world, and there's no one better than him. He's warm, but not way too warm, and he smells really nice. Also he seems to just fit really well against Gerard's body like memory foam.

"I'm just glad that you got away from Aaron before he could do more than just throw a bowl at you," Gerard says.

"Well, he probably would've done more, but I am faster than him. Also Aaron has the worst fucking aim ever. I think I saw him throw a million things onto the floor that he'd been trying to get into the garbage. Not very good at it."

"Well I'm fantastic at darts," Gerard says.

Frank snorts and looks at Gerard judgingly, "you're so dumb."

"I know," Gerard says, "but I bet I can beat you at darts."

"I can beat you at checkers."

"Well maybe we need to test that out and see if we're both right," Gerard says, "but that's for another time. I'm sleepy now."

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