Frank is More Important Than Batman

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"Hey Gerard," Frank says, sometime on hour two of their Batman marathon. Gerard doesn't joke around when it comes to raunchy superheroes from the 60's.


"Well I was just thinking," Frank says, "that I don't want anything to change between us two. Like, I still want you to be my best friend. I don't want that to change. I just want you to be my best friend who lets me kiss him."

"I thank that sounds good," Gerard nods, "but are you sure that all you want to do is kiss?"

"What are you suggesting, Gerard?"

"Nothing at all. It's getting kind of late though."

"Oh you are cavalier as hell," Frank says, "You're not even fucking trying are you? God I hate you."

Gerard smiles at him, "I know you do."

"But you're right, it is late," Frank says.

"I'm tired of Batman," Gerard replies.

"Are you okay?" Frank asks after hearing that, "You feeling okay? Got a fever or something? Are you sure you mean that?"

Gerard grins, "There are a few things more important than Batman."

Frank snickers at him, "You're such a dork, I can't believe I like you."

"It's because of my winning personality and charming smile," Gerard says flashing his teeth at Frank stupidly.

"You're an idiot," Frank says pulling himself up from the couch. Gerard watches him for a moment until Frank grabs a hold of his hand and lifts Gerard up behind him. Frank doesn't really know where to go or anything, so he just turns to look at Gerard and steps closer to kiss him again.

"Name a few things more important than Batman then," Frank asks, and Gerard shrugs.

"Air," Gerard says and he looks up at the ceiling to think, "Um, what else? Pizza is pretty important. Pizza is very important actually. What else is more important than Batman? Music maybe. Depends on what kind of music though. Short guys with lots of tattoos are more important than Batman."

"Oddly specific."

"Well you know," Gerard shrugs, "I like short guys. Batman is tall, I don't like that about him. As far as I know he's boringly unmarked too."

"I like boringly unmarked," Frank says.

"Do you?" Gerard asks, "Then you might like Batman."

"Batman is fictional," Frank says.

"I take offense at that," Gerard scoffs.

"Sorry," Frank says, but he doesn't look in the least bit apologetic. He's smiling up at Gerard, and he gets on his tiptoes to kiss him again. Gerard leans down to meet Frank halfway, and Frank is pretty sure that he's never going to get used to kissing Gerard.

He's literally dreamed about kissing Gerard for five whole years, and it's never going to quite sink in that he gets to actually do that. He gets to really kiss Gerard for real, and Gerard is kissing him back also for real. Fuck Aaron, who needs him when Gerard is here?

One thing Frank doesn't regret is that he turned down Gerard last night, because he'd have really regretted that if he had. Frank may not like Aaron the same way he likes Gerard, but he sure as hell doesn't want to be a cheater. Frank's decided, considering Gerard initiated it, that it doesn't really count as cheating. It's all in the mind really, but Frank's glad that right now, this is Frank without an anchor. He doesn't have any ties to Aaron so he can be with Gerard without feeling bad about it.

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