Frank Almost Dies

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Unfortunately for Frank, he has to work on Monday. Sunday had been a hellish combination of fever dreams and snot, and Monday is shaping up to be a miserable day of being yelled at by customers. Yes, the customer is always right, but if you think for one second that Frank is afraid of spitting in your coffee than you've got another thing coming to you.

He really shouldn't be complaining. He does have really good hours. Somehow Frank lucked out and almost never has to work on weekends, which is fantastic. He does have to get up at five in the morning four days out of the week though, but at least he does have the weekend. Frank has an early shift, which ends right before the dinner rush, but when you work at a diner, it's the breakfast rush that really kills you. Usually you get disgruntled people who do not work well without caffeine.

Frank just turns his back and wishes one particular messy looking guy an awful day. It's no one's fault but his own that he's going to have whatever cold Frank caught. You don't yell at the guy getting your coffee, if you don't want to be treated like shit. Frank doesn't have remorse, he's not in a good mood.

Usually it's the really rude people that Frank disregards, but he's especially irritable today so he does have to take some of the blame. It's not his fault that his sinuses are blocked and he burned himself on the coffee pot this morning. The second one actually is his fault, but he's kind of dizzy. He misjudged the distance between his hand and the pot.

Frank gets off early because he is apparently a 'hazard to everyone around him' and also 'looks like he slept on the underside of a truck.' Frank doesn't argue, he just clocks out and runs out of the building before his boss can reconsider. Really though, he's a bad enough waiter as it is, he was likely to serve a shoe or something if his fatigue persisted.

Frank's not really looking where he's going as he gets away from the small diner. He just knows that he wants to be far away from it, and that's good enough for his feet to take him there. The ground is slippery given the weather, but Frank is indifferent to it.

It's a wonder Frank doesn't cause more accidents with the way he behaves on the street. He just doesn't look, so you'd think he'd have been involved in a few, but the fact is that he never has. He doesn't expect to ever be in the way though, so he just doesn't remember to even look both ways sometimes. He'll look one way, and if the road is clear he goes. Frank's a walking hazard to anyone with a large automobile. Or anyone without a large automobile. He's a hazard to basically everyone with a pulse.

So it's no surprise that Frank very nearly steps into oncoming traffic, especially considering the fact that his senses are already dulled from being sick. It's really pretty amazing that he doesn't step into oncoming traffic more often. Statistically he really should have been run over a few dozen times by now. Frank's pretty lucky though, and he's escaped death pretty well over the years.

Today is different. He almost steps in front of a car, and he nearly dies, because this time, Frank didn't step in front of a car that slammed on the breaks. He's a driver's worst nightmare, he doesn't have any respect for those in cars, and he thinks of himself as indestructible.

So it's safe to say that Frank walks right onto the street without thinking about it. He doesn't see the car only a few yards away from him, and really, he should die right here and now, because he's a bit of an idiot. He doesn't see it, and he really should just be run over.

Frank isn't run over though. Of course he isn't. He's too lucky to be run over, though he probably wouldn't describe it that way if you asked him.

The question now becomes how Frank survived being hit by a car if he didn't look, and the driver of said car has no time to slam the breaks? The answer of course would be in a third party.

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