Gerard Calls Aaron Out

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Gerard knows he really shouldn't do this. He knows Frank's probably going to yell at him, or get really angry, but Gerard has no choice. He just doesn't.

What Aaron is doing is not okay. He's trying to ruin Frank's life, all just because he wasn't in love with Aaron and never was. That's not his fault. That's not Frank's fault, or Aaron's fault, or Gerard's fault, or... well no it might be kind of Gerard's fault. He should probably take some blame for that one.

Still, Aaron is disrespecting the man that Gerard loves, and hell if Gerard is just going to put up with that like it's no big deal. He needs to have some words with the evil Frenchman and speak his mind. He does have to remind himself that Aaron knows where they live, but he'll cross that bridge if he comes to it.

Early in the morning, Gerard wakes up and looks over at Frank. He reaches over to the bedside table and grabs Frank's phone. He quickly scrolls through the contacts and then copies Aaron's number into his own phone. Gerard's not exactly surprised that Frank forgot to delete the number, but he'll remind Frank to do that soon. Part of him is kind of relieved that the name is still there, while the rest of him is trying to convince himself not to be jealous.

Obviously Frank doesn't like Aaron anymore. Gerard knows that. He knows that with some amount of certainty, but he just doesn't like that he still has the number. It bothers him. He knows it shouldn't, but he can't exactly force that thought to go away when it's there.

Gerard sighs, looking down at Frank, wishing he could stay. He wants to stay to see Frank wake up and be all cute with his stupidly bleary morning eyes and his cute little yawns, but he does have to go to work. One day calling sick is enough, two probably isn't going to do him any favors.

He probably wouldn't land himself in the same position as Frank, because in all likelihood, Aaron doesn't know much more about him than his first name, but he can't disqualify that as a possibility. Aaron is rich. He has his ways, and he could find out probably everything about Gerard there is to know. He could find out about that one time when Gerard was a kid and got suspended for pushing a kid out of a tree. That wasn't really Gerard's fault though, the kid who he pushed out of a tree was picking on Mikey. He brought it upon himself.

Gerard pulls himself out of bed, careful not to wake Frank. Frank is really cute when he sleeps and Gerard hates that. It makes him want to just stay there and watch him for hours, but he doesn't get to do that, because he has work and it would be 'creepy' or 'verging on stalkerish.' Mikey's words, not his.

Not surprisingly, Mikey's first response to finding out about Gerard and Frank was verging on apathetic. He looked like he already knew it was happening. He does have some aspect of clairvoyance to him that has always kind of freaked people out.

Mikey's only words on the matter when they told him were, "took you two long enough." Frank was kind of upset because he was kind of enjoying the shocked expressions he kept getting from people. Frank gets excited by really little things, and Gerard's always known that, but never did he imagine he would fall in love with Frank a million times more every time he makes that excited face. Gerard once thought his heart was going to burst when Frank ate a bag of skittles that happened to have an above average number of the red ones, which are his favorite color.

A little over thirty minutes later, after Gerard's showered and gotten dressed he makes his way out of the apartment. He stops to get his morning coffee on the way to work so that he doesn't accidentally fall asleep on the Subway and somehow end up in Toronto. The train doesn't go that far, but he's sure it would happen somehow or another. That, or he'd end up smelling like the bottom of a shoe.

Gerard almost forgets that he was going to give Aaron a call until noon. He curses himself for not waking Aaron up at an inconvenient time when he had the chance, but it's too late now.

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