Frank and Gerard Are Idiots

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"Frank," Gerard says in a high pitched voice.

"Gerard," Pete says looking uncomfortable, "you have a bra on your forehead."

"That's not what I was expecting to hear," Gerard says reaching for the ad and pulling it off his forehead. Really, he wasn't expecting to make such a complete buffoon of himself only seconds after Frank came back home.

"Hey guys," Frank says awkwardly, with a half wave and a guilty expression.

"I... um, I think I left my," Pete starts, "actually, I don't really have the energy to make up an excuse for why I'm leaving. I just am."

Gerard and Frank both watch Pete as he slips past them, and then out through the doorway Frank just entered through. Then they're left alone to the silence of the apartment.

For a long while, Gerard's just sitting there looking at Frank expectantly, while Frank stands on the balls of his feet biting his lip anxiously.

"So," Frank starts.

"I should punch you in the face," Gerard states.

"Uh... probably?"

"I really should, because it was a real dickhead move to do what you did," Gerard says.

"Yeah," Frank nods, "are you going to punch me then?"

"No," Gerard responds, "I am still your friend, or at least I think I am. Besides, I'm not one to stoop down to that level like you did."

"Yeesh," Frank says, "Well don't hold back."

"Alright. You're an asshole, Frank. You're a real justifiable asshole, and what you did last week was really immature of you. I literally cannot even believe you just walked out like that. You're a fucking adult and you ran away from your responsibility, and you made us all worry about you."

"Go on," Frank says.

"You haven't been home in nearly ten days, Frank," Gerard says.

"I know," Frank nods.

"That's kind of, I don't know, outrageous? Like, I'm pissed at you, and now you're here and you're trying to not make me mad or something, but I mean look at you," Gerard yells, "You've got fucking your puppy dog eyes on, and I'm sorry, but that's not exactly going to cut it."

"I was kind of embarrassed," Frank admits.

"About what?"

Frank shrugs, "just was. I'm... sorry? I mean, I am. I didn't mean to worry you or-"

"Too late! I was ready to call the police or something, because you've been gone, and I didn't know where the hell you were!"

"I was with Aaron," Frank says.

"I know that, but I don't trust Aaron. I don't know him very well, he's your boyfriend, I've only barely met him, and he's been wasting all your time."

"God, are you still on about that?" Frank asks, looking a little irritated already, and he's only been back for five minutes.

"You have no fucking idea," Gerard says sternly.

"Well, you're not exactly scotch free in what happened the other day. It takes two to have an argument you know," Frank says.

"Yeah, but I didn't run away," Gerard says.

"Ugh... well, uh, any comment on the way you treated Aaron?" Frank asks expectantly.

"Not really. I take it he didn't tell you what happened after you left?" Gerard asks.

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