Gerard Can't Remember What Happened

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Gerard has been reevaluating the last seven hours in search of finding out what was true and what was not. His brain is playing tricks on him though, and he's not certain exactly what was real and what wasn't.

He's positive that he kissed Frank. That definitely happened. Another thing that definitely happened was that Frank pushed him away and they had a fight. The next thing he knows is that he was left in the kitchen, but that's where things get a little sketchy. He's not sure what's real and what's not.

He didn't drink anything, and that's the weird part about his memory blur. He didn't have any alcohol, so how could he have forgotten half of the last few hours?

Gerard looks around the dim room around him, and the part that's really confusing him is the fact that this isn't his bed. This also isn't his room. It's his apartment, but it isn't his bed, and these aren't his sheets. The blankets smell really nice, but that's not what matters.

Why on earth is Frank right there though, and why is he asleep?

Gerard is trying to connect the dots from how he got to be standing in the kitchen to now, seven hours later, at three in the morning, in Frank's bed.

He's fairly sure of at least one thing though. He didn't sleep with Frank. He recalls giving Frank a hickey, but that might be one of the things he'd imagined. What if he did give Frank a hickey though? That would not exactly be a good thing. You usually remember giving someone a hickey, and now Gerard's worried about the fact that Aaron's going to notice it, if it's even there.

Why the fuck does he care about Aaron? Probably because he doesn't trust Aaron. He really doesn't trust that guy, so he doesn't know how he'd feel about Frank having a hickey. Aaron already knows that Gerard likes Frank, and if he saw that Gerard liked Frank, than certainly he saw that it wasn't one way. That makes him an even bigger dick in Gerard's eyes, because he knew they liked each other, and yet he still tried to steal Frank. Gerard really hopes that someday Aaron will give him a reason to punch him in the face. As it is now, he's just a slimy bastard, not necessarily warranting to be smacked, but if he ever crosses that line, Gerard will gladly hit him.

"Okay," He says to himself, and tries to piece things together to find what was real and what wasn't.

He called Mikey after Frank went to bed. No he didn't. He didn't call Mikey. He'd thought about calling him, but realized how depressing and horribly lonely his story sounded, so he decided not to. He didn't go talk to Pete or Patrick either, because he was worried that they were getting tired of hearing him talk about Frank.

The dream he'd just woken up from was certainly not real, because Frank was there, and they were happy. They were actually happy, with the same trashy apartment and weird neighbors, but they weren't in this mess. They were just watching Batman. That was what made it happy. There wasn't any drama about dating anyone, it was all just okay because they were doing something menial and easy.

That didn't happen though. What happened was that Gerard was still standing in the kitchen. No, he was pacing. Yeah, he was pacing in the kitchen. Or was it the living room? He might have been pacing in the living room. He was pacing in either the kitchen or the living room. He recalls the TV being on, but it hadn't been on when he and Frank were arguing. It might have been on though, because he's pretty sure he kept getting distracted by a chest-heavy lady on a game show who wasn't wearing a bra. It was distracting, and a little unsettling.

So if the TV was on he was probably in the living room.

The next part of what he remembers is the part that he feels has to be fake, but it's the part that he remembers most vividly.

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