Gerard Loves Frank

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"So I saw Frank leaving with a dashing human being a few minutes ago, and bear in mind that I'm the heterosexual in the room, but even I saw that that was a beautiful man," Mikey says, because he isn't one for easing into a conversation. Mikey is subtle as Voldemort is polite. So in other words, he isn't.

Gerard makes a face, and shivers at how disgusting it is that even his own brother is gaga over Aaron. Aaron can do no wrong, and he has a stupidly nice face. Gerard hates him.

"You don't like said gentleman, I presume," Mikey says.

"Why do you say that?"

"You just made a face like you ate a lemon," Mikey replies, "and I don't see any citrus fruits so I'm thinking you don't like Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome."

"That's Frank's boyfriend," Gerard says.

"Oh, so that's the enigmatic Aaron you hate so much! Given the pieces I was given, I really should've figured out that puzzle sooner," Mikey says that last part more to himself than Gerard.

"Yeah you really should have. That's Aaron, and I hate him. I hate him more than I hate fucking anything."

"More than you hate the Vince Vaughn remake of Psycho?"

"Way more than I hate the Vince Vaughn remake of Psycho," Gerard responds.

"Whoa dude. This is serious," Mikey says, "so why do you hate him then?"

"I don't know, I just do."

"You have to give me an answer."

"I," Gerard starts, but he doesn't have anything to say, "He's too perfect."

"A real answer."

"I don't know! I mean, I just don't like him. I guess, I feel like I just don't want Frank to be going out with people. I don't know why. I really can't explain it, okay? I just don't like it," Gerard says.

"Why though? You need a reason!"

"I don't like it! I thought I wanted that for him, but now he's getting too close to other people, and I don't want him to be. I want him to spend time with me. I don't know," Gerard shrugs.

Mikey's eyes widen and he asks, "Are you jealous? Are you jealous that he's hanging out with Aaron instead of you?"

"I'm not... I'm not jealous! I just don't like him being with someone else. He's my best friend, I want him to hang out with me. He's, like, the best person in my life. I don't want him to forget about me, and spend more time with other people. I want him to spend time with me."

"Gerard, you're jealous," Mikey says.

"I'm not!"

"Can you picture your life without Frank there?" Mikey questions.

"What? No! I don't want to. I'd hate to live without him. Like, that's the scariest thing in the fucking world. I don't ever want to stop living with Frank, ever. I mean, I don't know, I just feel, like I want him to always be there, until I'm all old and shit. I just really want him there for the rest of my life," Gerard says, almost nonchalantly.

Mikey's jaw has dropped so far that it's almost stretched down to the floor, "Gerard, can you fucking hear yourself?"

"What? He's my best friend, Mikes! I don't want to lose him," Gerard says.

"You're jealous of Aaron."

"I am not. Aaron is his boyfriend, why would I want to be-"

"Gerard, you're in love with Frank," Mikey states, with complete deadpan, "You're in love with him! You want Frank with you for the rest of your life. You love him. You fucking love him!"

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