Gerard is Miserable (Reprise)

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Gerard wakes up covered in sweat. He's not certain why he bolted up so quickly, but there's the distinct feeling within him that he'd heard someone screaming. He looks around his room, which isn't as dark as he'd like it to be. For some reason, the lamp on his bedside table is on.

He pulls himself up and rests his back against the headboard for a long moment before deciding that he's going to have to get up to pee, or he won't get back to sleep. There's a cramp in his leg, which makes him groan when he throws one foot and then the other off the side of the bed. He shakes his head, willing the pain to go away, but it doesn't. His leg just hurts like a bitch right now, and he has to hope it'll subside in a few minutes.

The ember numbers of the clock on his bedside table tell him that it's four in the morning. He has a hard time remembering what happened last night. He recalls puking once or maybe twice. Than Mikey brought him tea, which, when Gerard looks back on it, may have been spiked with a sleeping pill. That may not have been a bad idea, because Gerard had been a pretty huge mess last night. He'd have appreciated knowing he was drinking flavored sleep water, but it's too late to argue now, because that was several hours ago.

When Gerard stumbles out of his room he sees a form on his couch. His immediate instinct is to guess that it's Frank, having fallen asleep in front of the TV like he does sometimes on weekends. When that happens, Gerard will turn the TV off and put a few blankets on him to let him sleep. He always looks so precious like that. So innocent compared to his usual boisterous self. That used to just be something Gerard would do because Frank was his best friend, but now as he thinks about it, there was something fairly intimate about it.

Gerard knows however, that the person there isn't Frank. They're too boney, not like Frank.

He wonders why Mikey fell asleep on his couch, but decides not to question it, because he really does have to pee.

Mikey's eyes open as Gerard passes him, but Gerard doesn't notice it. He turns his head slowly to watch his brother head towards the bathroom, and he lets his head fall back against the armrest of the couch.

Mikey doesn't have the heart to tell Gerard how he'd been woken up by his screaming. He'd decided, when hearing Gerard rustle around in his room, that just feigning sleep would be the best idea.

A minute later when Gerard returns Mikey closes his eyes shut again, and waits for Gerard to go back to sleep.

"I know you're awake, Mikes," Gerard says.

"I'm not awake."

"You just talked."

"I'm a sleep talker," Mikey replies.

"You're a sleep conversationalist is what you are."

"I don't talk much in the waking hours, I guess this is just to balance things out," Mikey says.

"Alright for real, Mikey, why are you here?"

"Just wanted to keep an eye on you. That's all. In case... never mind," Mikey says.

"In case what?" Gerard asks, "In case I get my hands on some alcohol, and ruin my life even more than I already have?"

"Where did you hear me say that? I did not say that."

"It was implied," Gerard replies.

"No it fucking wasn't, you're so depressing. And has anyone ever told you that you're rude as fuck when you're sad?" Mikey asks.

"Thanks for understanding my emotional plight," Gerard replies, bitterly.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. I'm being insensitive. Sorry. I didn't mean to be. I'm just, like, dude, you can't let Frank ruin your life," Mikey says pulling himself up from his spot a little bit.

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