Gerard Wants a Pony

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"Morning," Frank mumbles against Gerard's shoulder. Gerard opens one of his eyes to look at Frank, who's still essentially asleep aside from the way he's trying to get his eyes to open. They're fluttering open and closed like he's willing his body to open his eyes, but it's protesting. Gerard isn't sure if he's awake or not. He feels like he's mostly still asleep but also awake, and it's not a comfortable state to be in, because he still mostly wants to be asleep.

"I'm sleepy," Gerard replies.

"Me too," Frank says, and he gives up on trying to open his eyes. He instead decides to just cozy up closer to Gerard, and Gerard's fairly sure he's fallen back asleep.

"Frank?" Gerard asks, but Frank just groans and his head turns to face the opposite direction on the pillow.

"Morning to you too," Gerard grins and then pulls Frank closer, because he's really warm and perfect. Gerard thinks, even though he's painfully tired and his bones are aching to get back to sleep, that he's really happy, because this is Frank. He got to wake up next to Frank.

He actually wakes up next to Frank again a few hours later at a more agreeable time. It's still the morning, but it's late, almost noon.

"Hi Gerard," Frank says fondly when he looks over at Gerard who's hair looks like a spool of yarn you find in your grandmothers old sewing kit that hasn't been touched in several dozen years.

"Hi," He says back, and he only opens his eyes at the sound of Frank's voice.

"This is a really good way to wake up," Frank notes, and he sticks his head into the corner of Gerard's neck.

"Yeah," Gerard replies groggily.

"We're finally together though," Frank says, and when he says it his heart swells at how ecstatic that fact makes him. He never thought he'd be with Gerard, but here he is.

"Mhm," Gerard says, "my boyfriend is hot."

Frank croons, "Is that what I am then?"

"Is that okay?"

Frank looks up at Gerard and his big brown eyes meet Gerard's, "it's definitely okay. It's better than okay. It's amazing."

"Good," Gerard says.

"My boyfriend is hot too, but his morning breath is abysmal," Frank says looking serious and also sweet at the same time. Gerard finds himself not being offended by the insult because it's hard to feel hurt when someone so pretty says it.

"So is yours," Gerard says.

"Yeah," Frank frowns, and he leans down to kiss Gerard anyway.


"Yeah," Frank replies, but he doesn't stop kissing Gerard.


A few hours later, a shower, a meal, and another shower preceded by some fucking, and Frank finds himself in the kitchen. He's looking at Gerard who's trying to read something in the newspaper, but he keeps getting distracted by Frank looking at him.

"What are you looking at?" Gerard asks, looking down at the paper, and trying to avoid eye contact with Frank.

"I'm looking at my boyfriend who's really attractive, and needs to start kissing me before I get really sad."



"Let me finish this, okay?" Gerard asks.

"No," Frank replies, and he leans over the counter to pull the paper away.

"That wasn't very nice of you," Gerard states.

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