Frank Reconsiders

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"I have news of epic proportions," Frank says as he enters the apartment.

"Frank has news of epic proportions," Pete repeats into the seemingly empty apartment in front of him. Frank eyes him for a moment, but rolls his eyes and decides to roll with it.

Gerard's head pops out of his room and he says, "I heard that there is news of epic proportions."

"There is indeed," Frank says, throwing his jacket off.

"Well go on, tell us. It had better be epic or you totally oversold it," Pete replies.

"I have a date," Frank says proudly, as he saunters across the room and takes a seat next to Pete.

"You have a what?" Pete asks.

"A date!"

"A small fruit that looks like a nut?"

"No a date. Like a date with an actual person," Frank clarifies.

"I've eaten a date before, there is not enough to share with another person," Pete says, eyeing Frank like he's gone insane.

"You actually have a date?" Gerard asks looking about as lost as Pete, but there's a touch of something like awe in his face.

"I do! Unbelievable, right?" Frank says.

"But what happened to the guy you met yesterday?" Gerard asks.

"There was a guy who you met yesterday?" Pete interrupts looking so bewildered, it's almost amusing, "why the fuck was I not informed of this?"

"Well you didn't ask," Frank shrugs, "and it's with the guy who I met yesterday."

"Who is the guy you met yesterday?" Pete yells, before Gerard can ask any further questions.

"Long story short, I almost got hit by a car and met this guy," Frank says.

"Oh yeah, 'cause that really clears everything up," Pete says.

"But you didn't get his number! You chickened out and didn't ask," Gerard says, looking at Frank curiously.

"Well yeah, but he came in to work to see me today, and oh fuck, is he good looking. I can't even describe to you what he looks like," Frank says, sighing, "and I told him where I worked yesterday, and he came in to see me, and I gave him my number, and he called me, and he has such a nice voice, I wish you could hear it, his voice is like fucking heaven, and-"

"Frank! Remember to breathe," Pete reminds him.

"What? Oh sorry. I guess I got carried away there. Anyway, he called me a little while ago, and I have a date tonight!"

"What? But we were going to marathon the raunchy 60's Batman show tonight!" Gerard says.

"It'll still be there when I get back. Adam West isn't going anywhere when you have the giant collector's box set."

"Yeah but-"

"Gerard, you'll live," Frank says.

"Fine, so when are you going to meet him? Where are you going to meet him? What was his name again?" Gerard asks, spit firing questions to make Frank feel like he's on a game show of some sort. Not a very good game show though.

"His name is Aaron, and he's going to pick me up, because he apparently has a car, which is news to me," Frank says, and watches as Gerard walks over to the kitchen.

"He has a car? Is he rich or something?" Pete asks.

"Kind of," Frank shrugs, "I mean, he's not not-rich."

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