Chapter 5: The Supreme Leader

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Kylo's POV:

I exit the interrogation room my head going in all sorts of places. Confusion, shock, doubt, and anger are the things I'm feeling the most at the moment. How could this be possible? The scavenger was able to resist me? She is completely untrained and somehow managed to figure out the force on her own.

I keep walking down the hallways of Starkiller base and put on my mask before anyone who isn't worthy enough is able to see me without it. I need to tell Snoke about all of this before he finds out on his own. I do not want to anger him.

As I walk towards the projection room I try to think of all the consequences this mistake of mine might have caused. I thought I could take the map from the girl, but I couldn't, and now that damn droid is probably back with the resistance. After all, they arrived at Takodana most likely to stop us and retrieve their droid.

Doubt. That is the most predominant feeling in my head right now. Maybe I'm not good enough? I thought I was but all of this just doesn't make sense. I know the path I want to follow but somehow the light still calls me. I need to fully embrace the dark side so I can become more powerful, so I can overpower her, but as long as there is light inside me that won't be possible.

She is strong but she can't be stronger than I am. She is just a scavenger nothing special. She needs a teacher and I could be just that. Maybe I can teach her and get her to join the First Order. To join me.

Why am I thinking that? The chances of her wanting to join the First Order are minimum after all she despises me. That look on her face when she was looking at me in the interrogation room was filled with hate. Hate towards me.

She doesn't really know me. She doesn't know who I am and where I come from. Neither all that I've been through my whole life. But she still looked at me as if we have been enemies for a lifetime. But that must be the price for being the commander of the First Order.

I know the First Order isn't known for being the most reputable. What we seek is something very few can understand and that is to bring the old Empire back. We want to restore the order in the galaxy and everyone who opposes us should be obliterated.

I finally reach the entrance of the projection room the doors opening as I walk past and close behind me. I take off my mask and take a deep breath as I walk closer to the center of the room Snoke's hologram appeared.

"Kylo Ren... I wasn't expecting a visit from you." Supreme Leader Snoke said straightening his back in his throne.

"Supreme Leader," I say bowing down to him and them standing up holding my mask in one hand. "We were able to capture someone who had seen the map that leads to Luke Skywalker." I say to him trying to stay calm but there is still some hesitation in my voice.

"If that's so then why are you losing your time standing here instead of going for Luke Skywalker." Snoke says raising his voice.

"Well..." I say hesitation in my voice is very evident. "The scavenger... I tried to get the map from her. I was planning on getting in her head and retrieve it..."

"And?" Supreme Leader interrupts me and I can tell he is losing his patience.

"She resisted. I've never seen anyone resist like that before I-" I reply to him just letting it out but he interrupted me.

"This Scavenger? Resisted you?" He says to me raising his voice. I can tell there is some amusement in his voice, but also know that he isn't happy with the news.

"She's strong with the force, untrained but, stronger than she knows!" I replied raising my voice as well.

"And the droid?" Snoke asks his voice rumbling around the room. He is not happy at all and I need to make up for it somehow.

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