Chapter 12: The First Battle

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AN: Hello everyone! Me again trying to explain the confusing timeline to avoid any confusion. This chapter takes place after Han's death. As the title says it is the first battle in the whole saga. If you've seen the movies which I'm guessing you have you know exactly what I'm talking about. Enjoy!


Kylo Ren's POV:

I get out of the oscillator feeling empty and angered. This is not what I was expecting at all. I always thought that if I embraced the darkness I would feel more powerful and stop feeling the call to the light, but instead, I feel weak.

The wound I have from Chewie is a minor thing compared to what I'm feeling emotionally. After all, I was trained to be able to resist physical pain, but no one ever taught me how to control my emotions. I know that I'm bleeding out but that is not going to stop me from my goal, and that is to bring that scavenger to Snoke.

The girl and FN-2187 saw how I killed Han Solo. I knew how she felt about him, and how she saw him as a fatherly figure. At least that's what I gathered from inside her head back in the interrogation room. The only difference is that back then she had no idea who Ben Solo was, and how he truly was the son of Han Solo.

She also was clueless about Ben Solo about his whole existence, but now Ben Solo is fully dead and he is not coming back the same as his father.

I start walking through the snow ignoring all my surroundings. All I want to focus on is that scavenger so I can find her and get this over with. I already know the base is lost but the First Order isn't and we will rise from this. As long as there is a Supreme Leader the First Order will never die.

I start moving through the trees when suddenly I spot them. I stop and look at their direction taking out my lightsaber and igniting it. Now I just have to get rid of FN-2187 and take the girl with me. I doubt they can put much of a fight.

They look back at me, fear written all over their faces. "We're not done yet." I say looking at them as I hold my lightsaber down. The red light illuminating my surroundings.

"You're a monster!" She screams and I just stare back coldly. She is right. I am a monster. That's what I've been hearing my whole life.

"It's just us now... Han Solo can't save you." I reply.

I start punching my wound blood dripping out of it into the snow. All I'm trying to do is accentuate the pain so I can focus more, and turn that pain into adrenaline and become stronger. After all the dark side feeds on pain and anger.

I look over to the girl her expression filled with anger as she tries aiming her blaster to me, but I react quickly and raise my hand as she starts to struggle not being able to shoot.

"Rey!" FN-2187 yells.

Suddenly the blaster flies out of her hand and I use the force to send her flying into a tree. She screams when suddenly she slams into it and falls into the snow completely dazed and hurt.

"Rey!" He repeats again and runs to her kneeling down trying to check if she is ok. "Rey... Rey..." He says trying to wake her up. "Oh no. Oh no no no..." I hear him whisper to her concerned.

I start moving closer to them and move my lightsaber getting FN-2187 attention.

"TRAITOR!" I scream my voice filled with anger. This is my chance to show this failed stormtrooper that he made a huge mistake.

I look at him as he stands up holding something in his hand. This cant be possible. I think to myself as he suddenly ignites a blue lightsaber the same one that belonged to my grandfather, and to Luke Skywalker. I just know it is that one, I can feel it.

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