Chapter 6: The Stormtrooper

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AN: Hi everyone. First I want to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting the story so far. It truly means a lot and helps me to keep motivated. This upcoming chapter is going to talk about Finn's past and point of view. I know that the last chapter ended with Kylo finding out that Rey escaped the interrogation cell and that this chapter has very little to do with that. The reason is that I feel like Finn is also a very important character to this story and I didn't want to leave him aside just to focus on Rey and Kylo. Finn's POV was supposed to be just one chapter that talked about his background and also about what happened when he got to the resistance base, but it somehow ended up being super long and I had to split it in two. I felt like it was necessary to give more depth to Finn's character and wanted to talk about his past first (and as you can all tell it was very lengthy). Anyways this chapter is part 1 of Finn's POV and the next one which is part 2 will overlap with what happened in the last chapter. Anyways, I just hope this isn't too confusing. That being said enjoy the chapter.

*UPDATE (29/01/20): They ended up being 3 parts. 😬*


Finn's POV:

I get on board of the Millennium Falcon realizing that the last time I was in here I was with Rey and now she was gone and in the hands of that monster. I really wanted to leave Takodana and get to the Outer Rim territories as far as I could from the First Order, but after they took Rey I knew I just couldn't leave without knowing she was alright.

I know I lied to her. It was wrong but I was ashamed of who I really was. The moment I ran into Rey she looked at me like no one ever had. She had faith in me and even saw me as a hero, she believed in me and all I did was lie to her.

Ever since I can remember I have always been part of the First Order, they practically raised me. I have no clue who my real parents are. All I know is that I was taken away from them and I was put into Batch Eight, that's when I became a cadet for the First Order even at a very young age. Later on, I got put into the FN Corps which is a sub-branch of the Stormtrooper Corps.

Everyone always told me I had a huge potential, in fact, all my comrades and superiors always saw me as the ideal First Order stormtrooper. I constantly scored top marks as a cadet my only problem according to Captain Phasma was that I was too forgiving and I needed to be more ruthless.

I even had comrades who I would at some point consider my brothers. FN-2199, known as Nines, FN-2000, known as Zeroes, and FN-2003, known as Slip, they were my buddies and I always did everything I could to maintain them safe.

I was sent into executioner duty a couple of times, so I was thrown into the battleground by my superiors but I was never able to execute anyone. There was always something inside of me preventing me from doing so, it always seemed wrong to me, and I couldn't understand how for the other stormtroopers it was normal to murder innocent people just like that.

During training sessions, I was able to do outstanding things that showed my real skills and how I was truly an exceptional stormtrooper, but in the battleground, I was unable to fulfill any of them.

One time during one of our monitored training we went under a simulation where we were supposed to assault a New Republic bunker. The main goal was to destroy a heavy repeating blaster that was being manipulated by the Republic soldiers. During the simulation Slip, one of my best buddies, fell behind which was an occurring pattern with him. After all, that was the main reason we nicknamed him that. I felt like I had to save him but Zeroes and Nines object to it, they just wanted to complete the goal and felt like rescuing Slip would cost us that, but I had other plans. By the end of the simulation, I was able to rescue Slip and even managed to destroy the blaster with a grenade just before the Republic could take us out.

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