Chapter 10: The Death of a Hero

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Han Solo's POV:

Chewie and I arrive to the structure where the oscillator is and as soon as we walk in we see three stormtroopers and before I know it Chewie shoots at one of them hitting him instantly with his Bowcaster. The other 2 start to open fire and I grab my blaster quickly and shoot at the other 2 stormtroopers hitting them almost instantly. It's good to know I still have it in me.

We start walking towards the main area but the doors are closed. I stand there hoping that Rey and Finn have found a way to open it and before I realize an alarm starts going off and every single compartment starts opening.

"The girl knows her stuff." I say to Chewie and chuckle as I start walking in holding my blaster closely.

Everything seems to be going according to plan we found Rey and now we just have to help the Resistance blow the oscillator up since it seems like they are having some trouble up there. The only thing I'm missing is my promise to Leia and that is to bring our son back home.

The biggest regret of my whole life is letting go of my son. Leia thought it would be best for him to go with Luke and train to become a Jedi. After all, Luke was trying to restore the Jedi Order. After we lost our son my relationship with Leia was never the same we both were heartbroken our own son ended up turning into the one thing we both fought against for so many years.

Leia still thinks there is light inside of him that he can go back and be his old self. That same old boy we both knew before he went with Luke. I know I wasn't the best father, I always lacked a connection with my son a connection him and Leia shared through the force. I still tried my best to make up for it. I always remember when he was little and how he would always follow me around and play with the dice I have inside the Falcon. He always had trouble sleeping and I would hold him till he fell asleep most of the nights. I wasn't the best role model for my son but still at a very young age always talked about wanting to become a pilot just like me, and I even taught him how to fly the Millennium Falcon at one point. That being said I still didn't have much time to spend with my son due to my smuggler tendencies, and Leia didn't have much time either since at one point she became a respected senator in the New Republic. So I wouldn't blame my son if at times he felt abandoned.

Even as a small child his force powers were too unstable and whenever he got angry or scared he had tendencies of breaking things around with the force. This always made me think that he had too much Vader in him. Of course, by then he had no idea how to use it and neither Leia and I had an idea of how to help him. Especially me. All I can hope for is for Leia to be right and for him to still have light inside him.

I look over at Chewie who is dividing the explosives for me to take some. "We'll set the charges at every other column." I say almost whispering to Chewie as he hands me some explosives.

"Shouldn't we take different way?" Chewie groans and I look around reconsidering what he said.

"You're right. That's a better idea." I reply to him and take out my detonator. "You take top." I say and Chewie nods. "I'll go down below... Detonator. We'll meet back here." I say handing him my detonators and we both go different ways.

I move around the columns placing the explosives and every time I'm about to move to a different one I make sure I am all clear. Once I'm done with one level I go down another and keep placing the explosives every so often.

I keep repeating my pattern when suddenly I hear something and hide behind a wide vertical support. I peek around the edge and that's when I see him, my son.

I look at him as he stands by the railing looking down into the filter. And I can't help but think about what Leia told me but at the same time, I feel like if I do it's going to turn out badly. Without realizing it I notice he is coming my way and I instantly move to another column and hide from him. I watch him as he peaks through the structure l was just in but since he sees nobody he walks away.

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