helicopter ride and contract

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We reached to my apartment above the new bakery. When we opened the door nino was there, half naked on alya. He quickly stood up "hey guys" nino and alya said. "hey" I said.

Well alya started living with me 1 week ago but I never knew this could happen. "Nino wear your shoes we have to go" Adrien said.

While nino was dressing up Adrien asked me "what are you doing in evening". "I will be working at bakery till 7 pm" I replied. "Ok then, I will ask gorilla to pick you up" he said. "Yeah ok" I said and with that Adrien and nino left.

"You and nino are going very well" I said. "Oh no no we are starting with you. He asked you to meet him that means something happened" she said. "Uhh umm well..." I tried to say. "Oh common on speak up" she forced.

"We only kissed one time" I said. "Only one time" she said while making a 'are you serious' face. "Yeah" I said. "Well that's odd" she shrugged. "Odd doesn't even define it" I said. "Atleast he is now with someone" alya said.

I left to my room. I then went to bakery for working and all the time I was just thinking that what's going to happen next. After 7 PM, I walked out of bakery and gorilla was already standing outside.

"Hello uhh gorilla" I said. "Hello miss dupain Cheng. Mr.agreste will be joining later, please come" he motioned for me to sit in the car. I didn't knew gorilla talked. He took me to a building then to an elevator and pressed the button for top floor.

When elevator door opened, my eyes widened. I started walking towards adrein who was standing in front of a helicopter. On the helicopter agreste was written. But on seeing him, I couldn't stop smiling. He was in a suit again. Why he always wear suits? He smiled and said "good evening marinette". He opened the door of helicopter for me to enter. I entered and he closed the door.

Then he entered from other one and took a seat at pilot's place. "Wait, are you flying this?" I asked him. He did my seat belts and said "no more escaping". I smiled and put on the headphones that were there. He started speaking in the microphone "1 2 3 Charlie tango we are ready to take off".

On the radio man replied "your flight plan from paris to Versailles is cleared". "Versailles? That's where are we going" I asked him excitedly. He chuckled and took off the helicopter.

We were soon flying over the beautiful city of paris. It was so beautiful... the lights were twinkling  Eiffel Tower was shining and everything was so beautiful. We soon reached a building and he landed the helicopter. I guess it was one of his condos or home. Other people who were there to receive us left and he and me were alone in his building.

"So" he started conversation. "Did you think about what I said" he asked. "Think about what?" I asked him. "About the internship for working... here" he said. "Oh umm I- I don't know I mean wouldn't it be weird that me working for you" I said. "It depends on you" he said simply.

"I will think about it, well what internships are available" I asked him. "Well I can see and it depends on you that what you want to internship for" he said. "Well what's available, I mean I want to get internship on my own not because of you" I said sincerely. "Umm well there are internships available like callers, graphic designers and my assistant and all" he said.

I think I know what I am going to apply for. "Ok so when are the interview going to be taken"i asked. "tomorrow" he said. "I was wondering to try the post of your umm.... assistant" I said with a gap on the word assistant. "Oh, well... it's not what you think like my job of assistant is" he said. "Huh, then what is it like?" I asked him and it was clear that he was hesitating to tell me. Maybe he doesn't want me to apply for it.

"Ok let me be clear Whosoever becomes my assistant she have to live in my house like just Nathalie did and she have to take care of all things like my appointments, my schedule, sometimes even have to cook and all other... things" he said and then added "and even have to sign a contract".

"Contract? What kind of contract?" I asked him. "In that contract there will be all the details like what my assistant is allowed to do or not allowed to, all the rules and other things and she can even add something in contract she wants to like what she is not comfortable with and what doesn't want and all that stuff" he said. "Okay, umm it doesn't sound difficult" I said.

He slightly chuckled and said "you haven't read the contract right now that's why are you saying this?". "Then show it to me and I will read it" I said with determination. He released a long breadth and said "ok, I will give you that but you have to read it at your apartment... alone". "Ok" I said.

After that we talked a little and had dinner. Then we again went to his helicopter and came back to paris. He drove me to my apartment and one man came out of a car and handed him a file which wh gave to me and said "read it and then tell me what you think. I will see you tomorrow" he said. "Yeah ok, bye" I said and he drove away.

I entered into my apartment and saw alya fast asleep in her room. I went into my room and changed my clothes. I then went to my bed with that contract file. I started reading it.

There were rules written over there and other things. It was written that adrien have many houses and he can go to anyone of them as he wishes and I have to be with him all the time so where ever he goes, I have to go too and live there.

Then I read that there are some restricted areas to enter in the main agreste mansion like his father's office, basement and last corner room of the corridor. I wondered why it's restricted. Then I read that whatever he says I have to follow his orders without questioning, any orders.

On sundays I will be allowed to go out for day but after 10 and before 7 I have to be back. I have to give him all the information and if I have to go out I have to take his permission first and if he says yes then only I can go otherwise I am not allowed to. He can ask me to cook, wash or other ordinary works. I am not allowed to tell anyone that what's going on in his and my life, house or even between us.

There was even written that on breaking the rules he can punish me. Punish me???? What punishments.

Then I finally came to last page where it was written that 'if I am ok to have sexual things with him'. My eyes widened on reading this line. Adrien have sexual relationships with his assistants. There was written 'yes' or 'no' and I had to tick on one.

I don't know what was going on in my mind so I decided to leave it blank. I then decided to message him and I wrote in the message that I have read the contract. After few minutes he replied saying that if I want to discuss I can come to his office tomorrow. I replied him yes and went to sleep. Let's see what tomorrow brings...
27 January 2020

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