Stay the fuck away from us

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I was back to Paris after 2 days. It was sunday so I decided to go and pay a visit to my parents and alya. First I went to agreste mansion to drop my luggage. I entered and heard Adrein saying "You are back". "Yeah I am, actually as it is sunday today so I was going to visit my parents and alya" I said. "Ok" he said. I came out of the mansion and went to my car but I found out that my car wasn't there instead an another beautiful red car was there. I was searching my car but then Adrein came out and said "What are you looking for?" he asked. "I am looking for my car" I said. He walked to the red car and said "here it is". My eyes widened "WHAT?". "You heard me this is your car" he said. "Adrein... THIS.IS.A.CAR... you bought me a car now, like wardrobe and all wasn't enough. You even changed my phone and laptop few days ago by giving me apple laptop and iphone. You are really doing to much and where is my car" I shouted. "I asked gorilla to sell it" He said. "You sold my car" I said. "You don't like it" he asked. "Of cousre I like it but..." I said. "Then it is finalled and what I said No... Questioning... remember" he said. "Argh whatever.... and thank you" I said. He gave the keys and I gave him a peck on his cheek and left for my parents house. For half of the day I was with my parents talking and chatting and after a perfect family time I left to visit alya. I was having the keys so I opened the door and found that  alya wasn't alone. There was nino, nath, rose, juleka, alix, kim and.... luka. I still liked luka but a little bit. "Oh my god mari it's you" Rose shouted. "You guys are here" I shouted back with excitement. I went and hugged everyone. We had a long talk and everyone discussed that what's going on in their life. Surely there was a lot to discuss. When it was late in the evening, one by one everyone started saying there byes. Now only me, alya, juleka and luka were left. Juleka was talking to alya while luka came and took a seat beside me and said in his always polite manner "hey mari, it's been a long". "Yeah it is... so how everything is going?" I asked him. "Everything is going perfectly and do you know that jagged stone signed me as his new guitarist" he said. "OMG that's awesome luka" I said and hugged him. "What about you?" he asked. "Well I am working at agreste company as an assistant and designer" he said. "That means your dream finally became true, you are a fashion designer now" he said happily. "Yeah I am" I said. He then looked at the time and said "It's getting late, jule and I have to go... hey mari why don't you give me your number so that we can stay in touch" he said. "Yeah of course" I said and gave my number to him. Then luka and juleka left. I also decided to go back so I said my bye to alya and went back by driving the car which Adrein gave to me. I entered the mansion and thought to inform Adrien. I went to his room and saw door was already opened while amelie, chloe and felix were asleep. "No this is not acceptable ask him to do it right away, this is not the terms we agreed on" he was shouting on phone and then saw me standing at the door. "Tell them to do the work" he said and ended the call. "You look busy if you want I can leave" I said. "No, stay" he said. He came to me and closed the door and locked it. He kissed me and then pulled away and said "there is a black box in my first shelf of wardrobe, why don't you go and bring it" he said. I raised my eyebrow with confusion but then too went to his wardrobe and pulled out the box and opened it. My eyes widened and blush corroded my cheeks. I came out and said "You can't be serious". "I am" he said. I was staring at him and started biting my lip. "Common on you said you will try" he said. "But I wasn't knowing what you meant by trying and I really wasn't knowing that in trying handcuffs will be involved" I said still blushing. He came to me and took the handcuffs from my hands and blindfolded me. "You really worry alot, you need to learn how to relax" he said. His words reminded me of... chat. Chat also used to say the same thing to me when I worried alot. But as soon as Adrien started doing his things, I lost my mind and went with the flow like I always did.

Next morning I woke up and removed the blindfold. My hands were already freed last night before we went to sleep. Memories of last night drifted to my mind and I remembered everything he did with me and I blushed. He always do something new to me and surprises me. He really do likes to be in control. "What are you thinking?" Adrein asked. I saw him that he is awake. He got up and pulled me on his lap and then I said "Remember when I came to take your interview on alya's behalf, you told me that you excercise control in everything and now when I think about it, you really do control in everything" I said. He chuckled and smiled. We made out for sometime but then I stopped and said "We have work today and you have to finalize the spring collection". He sighed and got up. I wore my clothes to go to my room to get ready and freshen up. The day went fast as always. Spring collection was ready. When we got back to mansion, I went to my room while I got a message from luka.

Luka- hey mari, it's me luka.

me- hey luka, how are you?

We talked for sometime but then there was a knock on my door. I opened the door, it was chloe. "Hey chloe" I said. "Hey, actually wanted to ask will you like to go to shopping and hangout. I am really bored and I even asked Adrein that if he had any work for you and he said he doesn't have any work for you so will you hangout with me" She said. "Yeah sure just give me a few minutes and I will be downstairs" I said and she left. I got my bag and told tikki that I will be out. When I got out of my room I saw Felix leaning on the wall. "Hey beautiful, why don't you hangout with me" He said. "Sorry not interested" I said. "Oh really" he said. I was going to walk away but he took ahold of my wrist and pulled me towards him closing the gap. He was going to kiss me but I pushed him away and kicked him to his guts. He grunted in pain while laying on the ground. "Don't you ever think that you can do anything with me because this is what happens to guys like you when they think that I can't fight back" I said. I turned around and was about to leave but felix said "oh really then what about Adrein huh?" he said while sitting on his knees still in pain. How this guy can still be like this even in pain. I faced him and asked "What about him?". "Oh common do I look like a fool to you. I saw you two in the garden days ago while he put you on his shoulder and all you did was shouting. You are here saying to me that you are strong but truth is that you are weak which is clearly seen when you are with Adrien" he said. Felix wasn't wrong, I am weak around Adrein. But what I am doing, I am strong and this pervert needs to know that. I knealed in front of him and said "you know, I don't need to prove anything to you because you have already seen what I can do". I got up and said "and last thing... whatever there is between me and Adrein is none of your god damn business, so stay the FUCK away from us" I shouted on Felix. I saw Adrein coming towards us "What is going on over here and why felix is on the floor" he asked. "Why don't you ask your brother?" I said and then left with chloe for our hangout. This wasn't a lie, I really am weak around Adrein and now I know the reason, why? Because I still love him and it hurts me to see him like this. 

I still love him...

5 February 2020

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