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I had my meeting or I should say my interview with adrein at 7 so I decided to go and make a visit to my parents or to someone important.

After a long chitchat with my parents and family time, I went to my old room. I opened the miraculous box which I had hidden in my room. I took my ladybug earrings and wore them. Before going to america I put them in box for it's safety.

A bright light appeared and here is she, tikki. "MARINETTE" tikki shouted and hugged my cheek tightly. "TIKKI I missed you so so much" I said. "I missed you too. Now tell me everything what happened after you left, everything" tikki said. I giggled at her excitement.

I told her everything that how was america and I had completed my course and what other things happened. Then I told her about my encounter with Adrien, even about the contract and kiss, everything. First she was shocked and then her expression changed. It felt like she is hiding something from me.

"Tikki?" I said. "Yes mari" she said. "Are you hiding something from me?" I asked her. Her eyes widened and then she said "not at all, everything is fine" she said. "Oh ok... tikki I don't understand what happened to him. You know he has stopped smiling he don't even do his fake smiling for the photoshoots. He had became to secretive and formal. He just gives me some small smile when I am with him... alone, but he never smiles in public. I don't understand what had gotten into him. He is not the adrein I knew. And could you believe, in the contract it was written that if I am ok to have sexual things with him, SEXUAL THINGS... I can't really believe this. He has changed completely tikki, completely and I NEED to figure out why" I said.

"That's why you asked for the job as his assistant, don't you?" She asked. "Yeah you are right, I need to find out what happened to one of my best friend... I even need to find catnoir. He never contacted tikki. He never replied to my any messages. I really miss him. I need to figure out what happened to adrein and catnoir." I said. "I know you care for both of them, but mari can I ask you something?" Tikki said. "Ofcourse you can tikki" I said.

"Do you still love Adrien?" She asked. I was taken aback from this question. I stared at my lap and then I made eye contact with her and said "we will soon figure this out too... but tikki... there is one more thing that's happening to me" I said. "What is it?" She asked.

"Tikki... you know me, as ladybug or marinette I have always stayed strong, I never fell weak, even when I stuttered in front of Adrien, at times of difficulty I kept it side and stayed strong but now it's... different. When I again mate him after this years I don't know why but I feel like I become weak when I am with him. I don't know if I am still nervous around him or it's his new attitude but whenever I am with him I just loose my mind, I just want to let him do whatever he wants to, it feels like I gave up myself.. " I confessed to tikki honestly.

"Oh... I don't know what to say mari" tikki said and then continued "and what is your decision about that sexual relationship?" She asked.

I blushed at the thought of doing that with adrein. "Honestly I don't know tikki, I think it's a bad idea, I will let it be just for now." I said. Then I looked at the time, there was only one and half hour left for the meeting.

"Tikki we need to go, it's time for the meeting" I said. "We?" Tikki asked. "Yes we... I am back tikki and you will be with me" I said smiling. "Oh mari I am so happy I missed you" she said. "I missed you too tikki and I want my little advisor with me all the time" I said laughing. She laughed too and then went into my purse.

I went to the car and drove to his office building for the meeting. I was guided by a woman to a room. I opened it and saw Adrien already sitting at a long meeting table at one end. I took a seat at other end.

"Good evening mari" he said. "Good evening Mr.agreste" I said. He asked me a few questions for the interview and then saw grades which I had in college. He was quite impressed, he admitted. I smiled.

Then he asked "have you read the contract?". I chocked on my own saliva. "Yeah about that... well" I said. "Look I told you that you can ask anything if you have any doubt" he said sincerely.

"Ok I had few questions, well there was written that I will be allowed to go out on sundays only and that will be only from 10 to 7, what if i want to stay with my friends or family and there was written that if I want to go out in between some day then I have to take permission from you" I asked him.

"If you want we can make it for complete Sunday. But on Monday morning you have to be back on the time and talking about going in between so you do have to ask me and tell me where are you going so that in case I need you I exactly know what to do or where to find you" he said.

"Ok umm... there were certain rules and I understood them but there was written that if I break the rules I will be punished, what does it meant by punishments" I asked him.

"Punishments means punishments" he said. "Well what kind of?" I asked. "After joining if you break the rule you will come to know" he said. On hearing what he said I felt shiver down my spine. "Ok well... last thing umm..." I wanted to ask him but i was hesitating. "Don't hesitate just ask" he said. How did he know I was hesitating.

I took a breath and finally asked "at last page it was written that if I am ok to have sexual things with.......... you, I mean does that really mean sexual relationship" I asked him a bit low. "Yes it means that only" he said simply.

I widened my eyes and my cheeks went red. "Well can I ask something else too other than contract" I said. "Yes, you may" he replied. "Well how many assistants did you had with this contract" I asked. "8" he said. "And how many of them said yes for sexual relationship" I asked. "All of them" he said. "And you had that relationship with all of them" I asked. "Maybe or may not be" he said. What's that suppose to mean. "Umm ok" that's all I could say.

"But I see you haven't signed it yet" he said. "Wha-what" I asked. "What's your decision, yes or no" he asked. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't ready to say yes neither no. It was like my body is stopping me from saying no. "I don't know yet can I decide later" I asked him.

He seemed to be thinking something and i wasn't even able to read his expression too but then he spoke "Ok you can decide later". I let a sigh of relief. "See you tomorrow miss dupain Cheng... in my house" he said. "You mean to say that I got the job" I asked. "Yes my driver will be there to pick you up from your apartment" he said. "But I can't pack so fast" I said.

"You don't need to worry about anything, your clothes and regular use materials everything will be already ready for you" he said. "Oh god that will be too much I- I can't" I said. "Don't forget the rules miss dupain Cheng you have to obey my orders without any question" he said and I shut my mouth. He then told me to come at 8 in the morning sharp and only with the things I need to have because other things like clothes, accessories, etc. will be arranged.

I then left for my apartment. While driving my car I was thinking that tomorrow everything is going to be changed...
29 January 2020

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