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Today was weekend, means off from work. It's been two days since I was in control over my kitty. Adrein told me that I was amazing and I should be 'in control' often. Today I was officially moving in with adrein so we went to pick up something from my apartment. Ofcourse his bodyguards were with us. Adrein took a seat in living room while I went to my room to get my things. I entered my room and straight went to bathroom. When I came out I gasped. Lila was standing in my room near the window. "Lila" I said. She looked horrible. Dark circles in her eyes, a bandage on her wrist, messy hair and a frustrated crying face. I remembered what adrein told me that she is mentally ill. I need to help her. I composed myself and faked a smile "you might be here to see adrein, he is downstairs". I saw her taking out a gun from her pocket. My breathing became heavy. She pointed the gun towards me "I came to see you" she said. "Ok" I said. I still faked a smile trying my best to stay normal. "He told me what happened and I am really sorry lila. I know you are in lot of pain and I am really sorry" I said. "He let's you call him by his name, he sleeps with you in the same bed, he listens to you, take you out, care about you, he is in a relationship with you while he never let ANY OF HIS ASSISTANTS DO THAT. He never let us call him by his name nor slept with us and he even have a relationship with you by himself not like us who tried to seduce him so that he is with us. I listened to his very order like it's the most important thing in the world, not only me all others too. If he said sit or walk or go away whatever he said we did. BUT WHAT DO YOU HAVE THAT I DON'T???" she shouted. "Nothing but How do you know?" I asked. "I saw you. I know you still love him like we all did and still do but he got only with you, NOT ME, NOT ANYONE ELSE" she shouted again and shot a bullet at the show piece beside me and pointed the gun again at me. "Lila he do cares about you that's why he told me what happened to you?" I tried to calm her. "Don't lie to me. You don't know what he likes. You don't even listen to him the way I listened. You also know that he orders and controls. His just pretending to be with you." She said. Lila's word sting like a arrow in my heart. She wasn't wrong. I never listened to him. Soon the door of my room opened and adrein came in with his bodyguards. He signalled her with his hands to move the gun towards him. She did as he motioned. He moved his hand forward asking her to give the gun. She hesitantly but slowly gave the gun to him. He put the gun in the pocket and asked her to go and sit down on a chair and she did just as told. I was looking at them with horrified look. "Mari... please go out" he said. But I was too busy to believe in what my eyes saw. Then when I didn't go he asked gorilla to take me out. I came out of my apartment. I don't know what came over me. It was insecurity or whatever but I went away. Mindlessly roaming here and there on the streets. I was not having my purse nor my phone. I don't know how long I was out but it started raining. I finally decided to go back. I stood in front of the agreste mansion. I went inside. When I was closing the door of the mansion I heard adrein shouting in the living room. "I don't care, I just know one thing that she is out for three hours without her purse or phone, just search for her" he shouted. I started walking to take a seat on the couch and he saw me and said on the phone "forget it, she is here". He ended the call and shouted "where the fuck have you been". I just crossed my legs and looked at him with a raging look. He looked at me shocked. "I told you to straight come here" he said angrily. "I am sorry I don't do as I am told. Maybe you really need someone who obeys your all commands without questioning" I said with the same look. He scoffed and said "don't be ridiculous". "I saw you adrein... I saw you the way you were with her" I said angrily but still composing myself. "She had a GUN mari... I would have done anything to subdue her" he said. "Where is she now? Is she here" I asked. "NO, she is where she needs to be mental hospital" he said. I didn't say anything just stared at him. "Mari I know she scared you" he said and I cut him off "you sometimes forget that who I am... so don't think that I can be scared because there is only one thing that can scare me". "And what is that?" He asked. "You" I said. "WHAT" he shouted. "I saw her the way she was with you. So obedient... just in control. I will never be able to give that kind of obedience to you" I said. He looked at me with disbelief. He bent down on his knees to face me "mari..." he started "why don't you understand... I just want you mari... nothing else... you are my world". "But world doesn't give us what we always want" I said. "I don't care about the world outside... I just want to be with one beautiful world which is sitting in front of me" he said. "I am scared adrein... sometimes I feel like it's a dream that I finally found my kitty or sometimes I feel like you will again change and become cold... I am finally getting back the adrein and cat noir whom I have always loved but I am too scared to loose him" I admitted. "You won't loose me and neither I want someone else than you and I will prove it to you" he said. "How?" I asked. "You will have to wait for now... just trust me" he said. "I do trust you since first day you became my partner" I said. "Good... now let's eat and go to sleep ok" he said. We had dinner and changed into comfortable clothes. We went to his room and laid on the bed. He wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled into his chest. I again felt safe and drifted to sleep...
17 February 2020

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