I wanted you

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During midnight I suddenly woke up. I saw towards the door of my room and thought that someone is standing there. I blinked my eyes and again saw there but no one was there. I think I was hallucinating. Then I saw a peaceful adrein sleeping beside me with his hand protectively wrapped around me. I smiled at him and then went to sleep. When I woke in the morning, I put on an oversized shirt and sat on the bed. After few minutes he woke up due to the sunlight coming on his face through the window. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and said "you were looking so peaceful, I didn't wanted to wake you up". I handed him a glass of juice and said "there is nothing much to eat for breakfast unless you want cold stir". "Uhh no" he said and drank the juice. "Well last night the cheque you gave I can't have it" I said. "Why?" He asked. "Adrein... it's 24000$, I don't think my car costed that much" I said. "Mari, I make this much money every 15 minutes so just chill and keep it" he said. I raised my eyebrow at his sentence. When this man is going to understand that I don't want his money. I picked up the cheque and tore it into pieces in front him. I smiled as I thought I won but I forgot that I shouldn't underestimate this man. He sighed and got up from the bed and called someone "Mrs.robinson I want you to transfer 24000$ to marinette dupain Cheng's account". "Wait what are you doing" I said. "Thank you" he said and cut the call. He put on his clothes and went out of the room and I ran behind him shouting "ADREIN how do you have my bank account details". After a lot of fight he won... again... and I had to keep the money. Then we went for the breakfast to a nearby restaurant. We ordered our coffees and morning snacks. As we got the bill, I quickly snatched it before adrein can "you need to be fast for that" I said. He chuckled accepting his defeat. "Amelie is hosting a charity ball tonight and they want you to come too" he said. I stared at him and said "I have never been to a ball... I don't even have a dress... and what I will do about my hair" I said. "I know it's sudden but you know that dress can be arranged and I know a salon" he was saying and then I noticed a girl outside the restaurant through the glass window. As soon as I saw her she went away. She was the same girl who was outside my office. Adrein saw that I was not listening to him and my mind was somewhere else so he asked "what is it?". "There was just a girl outside over there with brown hair and dark green eyes and there was even a bandage on her wrist that was really strange. She was even outside my office. She knew me but I didn't recognize her. I think I knew her too" I said. Adrein's smiling face turned to a concerning face. He seemed to think about something. "Let's go" he said getting up. After we came out of the restaurant he made a call. When the call ended I asked him "adrein you know that girl don't you". "I am handling it" he said. "But who is she? I am sure that I have seen her somewhere" I said. "You don't need to worry about anything. Let's take you to the salon" he said. We got in his car and it stopped in front of a salon. We got out of the car and entered it. I stood near reception while he went to talk to a lady. I heard him saying that "yay for my girlfriend". When I heard him calling me his girlfriend I was feeling really happy at that time. Then an another lady came to adrein and adrein hugged her. She was a tall lady with blue hair with red highlight on front tips of her hair. She wore glasses. Then I finally recognized her. She was...
I came out of the door thinking that why adrein brought me here. He came out of the salon and said "why you came out". "Why you brought me HERE, to the lady who never stopped your father from abusing you or never helped you, and when she got freed" I asked angrily. "When they went to jail, my father said that all the illegal work was done by him, she just stayed quiet" he said. "But why did you come here... would you have brought your other assistants here" I asked and he stayed quiet. "Wait... for her approval... Oh God... adrein I know that you always have listened to her but now you don't have to" I said. "I know mari... it's just..." he said. "Just what, even the girl I saw today was one of your assistants,  wasn't she?" I said. "Let's discuss this at my place and call someone for your hair" he said. "ADREIN I DON'T CARE ABOUT MY HAIR" I said. "You are going to walk or not" he said and I stayed silent. "If you won't I will pick you up" he said. "You are not going to do that" I said jokingly. He went to pick me up but before he could I shouted "OK OK I will walk" I said and started walking. He smiled in victory. This guy knows how to convience me for things. We went to his a nearby office. I sat on his desk chair while he took out a file. I opened it and I saw the name written over there. I was shocked.
Lila rossi...
"Oh my god... lila... I- I didn't even recognize her. She is so changed I mean she used to manage her looks and always looked pretty but now..." I said. I read the file and everything was written over there. Like where lived, friends name, previous records of studies and boyfriend... everything. I threw the file on the table then I thought that maybe he had a file for me too. After all I was his assistant too. "Do you have one for me?" I asked. He didn't say anything. That meant he have. "Show me" I demanded. "Mari..." he said trying to protest but I cut him off and said "I said show me". He sighed and took out an another file and gave it to me. I opened it and saw a regular photo of mine while I was walking. My family background, my schedule, friends name, college history, and yes even bank account details. I felt disgusted and threw this file too on the table and said "they forgot to write my washroom breaks". "Mari I wasn't knowing that what it will become and how important you will become for me" he said. "That means I wasn't important for you in high school" I said. "Of course you were. If you remember I even told you that I liked you in high school, wait..." He said. "When you told me that you fell for me again, what did you meant by again" he asked. "I had a crush on you in high school, you were my first love. I thought I moved on over you but I realized I didn't when I came back and started working with you. I loved you in high school because of your kindness and caring nature and I am still seeing that nature in you but you are just trying to suppress it" I said. I felt like a huge load came out of my shoulder. He suddenly started laughing and it was the same laugh I saw when he gave me his umbrella.  I stared at him with a smile to see him open like this. After his laugh died he said "That makes no sense". "What do you mean?" I asked. "We liked each other but never told. I never told you because I thought you liked luka so I always suppressed my feelings for you and here we are after 5 to 6 years together" he said. On hearing him I started laughing by myself "that really doesn't make any sense".


"Ok now will you tell me what's exactly going on with lila" I said seriously. "Well she was once my assistant and yes she do signed for the relationship but soon she started getting on my nerves so I fired her but before leaving she told me that she loved me and ofcourse I didn't believe her. Later she got married to an Italian man who found her cheating on him and they got divorced. After her divorce she became depressed and tried to come back to me but I refused. She even cut her wrist to prove her love to me. Then she ran away and now it's kind of clear that she is spying us and she is after you" he said. "This wouldn't have happened if you weren't having this sexual relationship with all of your assistants and controlled yourself" I said irritatingly. "Mari... they all signed for it doesn't mean that I had this relationship with all of them. If you remember during your interview for job I said maybe or maybe not. It was just a one time thing with only lila when I was drunk, there was nothing between us more then that" he said. "That means you just had this relationship only with me" I said surprised. "Yes mari... I am not a pervert or something. When you came I just... I just wanted this with YOU, I WANTED you" he said. On hearing his words I couldn't control myself and went to kiss him. I kissed him hard.


"Come on, I have called a stylist for you, he is here" he said and I followed him. We went to a room and I when I entered it I saw a big closet inside.

 We went to a room and I when I entered it I saw a big closet inside

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Filled with beautiful dresses and accessories. I went to one of them and looked on the price tag and my eyes widened. I decided to let it be because adrein is not going to listen to anything. He entered in with a Male stylist. I took a seat at a chair in front of the dress up mirror and he started doing my hairs professionally. Ofcourse he have to be a professional after all adrein has called him. Adrein was standing by my side as a glue as if he was trying to make sure of that man. I tried not to laugh and said "adrein it's ok". He looked at me then sighed and left. He really is too protective. After the stylist was done he said "perfect... you look stunning". He did my hair into a beautiful bun and even did my makeup.  I really was looking beautiful. "Thank you" I said and then he left. Then I went to closet to select a dress and get ready. Let's get ready for the ball...

13 February 2020

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