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Before we begin I wanna let y'all know that I have completely finished the book and I'll be posting a new chapter every Saturday! No, this is not a poetry type book, don't let the beginning fool you. Except a lot of sexual content all throughout the book. I promise it gets better! Enjoy💗

 I promise it gets better! Enjoy💗——————————————————————

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Jayden POV:

"please stop... STOP!!"

Tears ran down my delicate bruised face as the pain grew more intense. I can't take this anymore... the whole room grew darker and darker as it became harder for me to keep my balance. The yelling that was once the pain to my emotions suddenly faded out into low, soft mumbles that got washed away with the wind that took all of my fair weather family. My eyes closed... separating the barrier between me, and the frightful experience with the persons I have learned to love and appreciate the most throughout my entire life ever since the beginning of my twisted life. A collage of bright colorful memories circled my entire head, forcefully having to experience past events with people who I strongly admired. Rising up to my neck and bathing in my brokenness. Those bright colorful memories I once saw in my past, transformed into black and white images that will haunt me for the rest of my life. Even till this day, i'm still trying to figure out how to hold on to everything I still have...

An hour later

A cold pressure all across my forehead strung me up from my slumber. The amount of aching pain thundering in my head startled me.
I still couldn't properly make things out or where I was. I rubbed my eyes slowly trying to avoid any contact with my bruises on the side of my eye.

"Hey are you awake?" I hear a voice apear from the distance. His voice seemed strangely familiar. Butterflies fluttered all throughout my stomach causing my body you tense up. "Grayson?" I say giving a clueless guess, still very utterly confused. "Are you okay?" He says in a soothing voice as he continues pressing an cold ice package up against my forehead. "Not really... what happened?" I let out a couple uncomfortable groans.

"I saw what they did to you... I couldn't just leave you there getting hurt so I took to my place. You don't have to worry anymore, I took care of him. You're safe with me." A couple drops of tears dripped down my cheeks as I'm fighting ever urge not tear up once I remembered... I really thought they would support me... I try speaking but no words came out, the only thing close to coming out were my feeling. Anything I say will trigger my tears to come pouring out. "I know it's not my place to ask this but..." he paused "what happened? I know we rarely hang out and it may be hard to tell me but... but we're still friends, I wanna help you with whatever you're going through."

I took a couple breaths of air.
"Well uh... I uhh... I don't think I'm-" I paused and immediately looked up to the ceiling as soon as I felt the water drops leaking out. I sniffed in my tears back up.

"That's fine, you can tell me when you're ready." He says sitting down next to me on the couch. I nod slowly. He gets closer and puts his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it gently. I flinched intensely at the touch of his hand on me. It's strange seeing Grayson so gentle. He's usually always aggressive and obnoxious. "You can sleep in the guest bedroom upstairs for as long as you like." He says

"No it's fine you don't have to do that." I say as I finally have the courage to fully open my eyes. The bright lights blinded me and all i can see are glares within every direction. I blinked a couple times trying to get my vision back.

"Jayden, you're not going back home. After what they did to you. Please, you're staying with me."
Finally after a couple seconds, my vision slowly returns. I whipped off any remaining tears from the bottom of my eyes. He gave me a small comforting smile as he sits with me on his couch. He had long brown hair with a flop at the front. His gorgeous brownish-hazel eyes glistened in the light making them almost look green. His nice wet plumped pink lips make it almost impossible for me not to lick my own lips, not to mention his intimidating sharp jawline too.

"Thank you." I quietly say as we make eye contact for the first time.

As we were walking upstairs towards the guest bedroom I couldn't help but observe his home. It wasn't completely furnished but it was still nice and ginormous too. Can't believe he lives here.

"Here it is." He opens the door for me, letting me enter first. "It's almost 11:00 pm, there are some PJs in the closet for you." He point to the closet. "thanks." I quietly say. He nods and then closes the door, leaving me alone in this room.


A couple minutes go by, and I already changed into my pj's. I open the door and see Grayson coming upstairs stairs holding a plate of toast with sliced avocados on top. "Oh hey" he says
"I was gonna leave this in your room, I know you might be hungry." He hands me the plate. "Thanks." I replied.
It hurts seeing him care so much about me. I really don't deserve any of this. I almost feel like running away and never be found again. I appreciate Grayson's amount of energy he's given me so much that it makes me sick.

"No prob." He smiles "Imma leave you alone to take some time to yourself and let you eat in peace. You could watch tv if you want, the controller is over there in the table next to the bed. Imma be in my room if you need anything." He smiles once again then turns around towards his room.

Not gonna lie, this room is so nice and comfortable. Well furnished too unlike the rest of his house. I even have my own bathroom and everything. I curiously start exploring every inch of my new room, looking inside every draw, underneath my bed, over the bookshelf. Basically everywhere I could imagine. Being in a new place always sparks up my insides. Knowing that it's in Grayson's house makes it twice as entertaining. Once I finish exploring, I just lay there in bed. Who knows for how long, because the next thing I remember was Grayson calling my name and nudging me to wake up.

"Jayden wake up... sorry, I just wanted to know if you wanted to eat something else. You barley took a bite of the toast I gave you."

"Oh, sorry i'm just not that hungry."  I guess I wasn't fully awake to realize he no longer had a shirt on. I can't lie, I myself couldn't help but to stare at his gorgeous muscular body of his. Seeing him standing there, looking down at me filled my mind with many thoughts that i'd rather not say. If i wasn't awake then, I sure as hell am now.

"It's cool... well it's pretty late, i'll let you go back to sleep. G'night man." He turns around walking away but it crashes back to me. The feeling of loneliness and heartbreak. The memories and pain... I felt scared again...

"Wait Grayson!" I say blurting out.
He stops and turns around. He looks at me as I pause for about 5 seconds just looking at him. My breathes grew heavier with each second I stayed silent. "D-do you... think you could s-sleep with me?"

next chapter...

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