together in bed

526 32 18

Jayden POV:

Grayson hesitated with a response, he just stood outside the door with his body completely frozen. The way he deeply stares at me, giving me a intimating looks makes me feel embarrassed I even asked in the first place. The more he stares at me the more I start blushing uncontrollably. The longer I wait for a reply, the more anxious I get wondering what he will say. He probably thinks i'm a freak or something. I just gotta face my rejection.

"Sorry I shouldn't have said that. S-sorry..." I say breaking the silence. "Uhhh n-no it's fine I just- it was just unexpected." He scratched the back of his neck. "Wait seriously..? You don't have to." I look at him making sure he wasn't just playing with me. "Whatever." He says making his way towards the bed.

Shivers ran across my back at the thought sleeping next to Grayson Dolan. I don't even know why I asked him.
I take one last quick glance at his perfectly shiny abs as the light from the lamp makes it almost impossible for me not to stare at them. I don't wanna create any more awkward tension between us so I snap out of it and flip to the other side. Moans escaped his lips as he finally lays down onto the bed and flips over as he reaches to turn off the light, making it completely dark. The only light on was from the moon creaking through the window. It was silent. This bed was pretty huge but I could still hear him breathe from the other side.

"Do you uhh... do you want anything before you go to sleep? Like a glass of water, or something?" He says.

"No thanks." I say in a shaky voice.

Graysons POV:
As I lay here in bed I think to myself how quickly this day escalated for me.

I could've easily said no to him but I feel bad for the guy. I've been through more uncomfortable situations before anyways... Thankfully the bed has plenty of space for both of us to sleep on. I'm aware that this could turn extremely awkward very quickly so I avoid any eye contact, quickly rolled over to the opposite side and went to sleep. The only thing we said in between that was 'Good night' and that's it.

My life has been pretty lonely these past couple months ever since I moved away from everyone I knew, including my own brother... Ever since that it happened... I haven't really interacted with anyone in a while. Don't get me wrong, i'm a pretty social guy and everything but I just never got used to having deep conversation with anyone besides my family.


The next morning I woke up to the movement of Jayden squirming around under the sheets. I groaned, letting out a huge yawn. I quickly got up before he woke up and finds me still in bed with him. Shivers ran down my spine thinking of being on that bed for any longer. I rushed towards my room and locked the door behind me. I pulled out my phone and searched for some hot women on women action on safari. I immediately felt my member getting hard as I rubbed it inside my pants. Soft moans escaped my lips and as I get closer. I lowered my pants and whipped it out. I stood there for a good 5 or 10 minutes stroking myself with my eyes glued to the screen. My moans grew louder as I finally released my load all over the ground. 'fuck' 

I can't believe I slept with another dude in the same bed. Why did I even allow myself to sleep with him. God... throughout the whole time I was in bed with him, I couldn't stop thinking of that time in high school... I shook my head intensely to clear my mind. I should probs clean this shit up.

Jayden POV:

When I whipped off all the dry eye mucus I had then proceed to stretch followed along with a yawn.

"I wish it was all a bad nightmare" I say to myself. Then I realized that Grayson was sleeping with me. Where is he?? Oh god, I knew it wasn't a good idea to sleep so close to him last night. I wouldn't be surprised if he got werided out by me. I need to stop being so perverted. I feel my tears pouring out again once that memory of me laying hopeless in tears as my dad brutally hits me creeps in my mind again.

I hear footsteps growing fonder, approaching closer towards me. Grayson appears, carrying a tray of food walking inside the room and handing it to me.

"Hey good morning, how'd you sleep?" He ask

"G-good." I respond shyly.

"I made you some-"

he stops

"Jayden, are you okay?" He continued.
He takes the tray away and places it down on the table aside the bed and sits next to me.
He pats my shoulder for comfort but strangely enough its causing me to blush more than I should have. In embarrassment, I whipped off my tears using my shirt... trying not to look like a pathetic crybaby.

"I know this is all new and confusing for you, but it'll be okay. I promise." He says giving me warm smile.

"By the way..." I pause "Why do you live in such a big house all by yourself?" He took his hand off my shoulder and scooted further away from me, facing his head down.
"Keith..." he says softly still facing his head to the ground. His face was blank. "Who's Keith?" I ask. I looked at him waiting for a response. "He—I can't say... you don't need to worry about that." He gives me a warm smile at me.
I feel Grayson's phone vibrate. He reads the message and immediately gets up from the bed while continuing to look at his phone with a blank stare on his face. He seems to be murmuring something.

"Uhhh, I have to go somewhere... I'll be back!" He says storming out of the house. I hear the jingles of the keys all clashing with one another as he slamming the front door shut. I hear the engine of the car starting, which is frankly loud in the morning. I peak through the window and watch him drive away.
Is everything okay...?

next chapter...

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