holding back

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Grayson's POV

"Grayson, I'm gonna go downstairs now, do you wanna come with me?" Mae says holding a bouquet of fake plastic flower in her hand.
"I'll be down in a minute." I say still looking out the window with my hands in my pocket.
"Okay." I hear her heavy high heals clink the floor as she walks away. I still haven't put myself in a state of mind to go down to the party yet. I've been repeating what i'm planning to say to him once I finally see him. It's been driving me crazy thinking what he might say to me when he sees me again. I walk back and forth thinking how to approach him. How do I even begin talking to him? Im so fucking nervous and I hate to admit it.

Jayden's POV
"Yo Jayden! Come over here and dance with me!" Nathan shouts from the dance floor.

His quirky dance moves make smile a bit, although I can't really enjoy myself at the moment

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His quirky dance moves make smile a bit, although I can't really enjoy myself at the moment. Just wondering where he is is killing me.
"I'll pass." I shout back.
Oh great, Nathan starts jogging his way towards me. Probably trying to convince me to dance with him. I'm just at the food table picking out a couple chips from the chip bowl. Sipping on my punch. Kristal and Morgan also asked me to dance with them but I also denied their offer. My plan for tonight was to watch everyone else have fun while I just sit down and eat food. Nathan stands in front of me.
"Hey are you okay? You seem a little off." He says kneeling down to reach my level.
"Yeah I'm good" I say, but not a second later
he grabs my wrist and pulls me up "Then c'mon! A little dancing won't hurt anyone." he pulls me towards the dance floor. I try to stop but me being the little weak boy that I am, fails to stop him or myself.
"But I don't know how to dance!" I say hoping it would convince him to leave me alone. But I guess it's a little late for that, because we already made it to the dance floor. He stops and pulls me closer to him. "You don't have to know how to dance in order to dance. You just gotta feel the music. Look at that girl over there." He points.
"She clearly can't dance. But does she care? Look at that dude, he can't dance either but he's still busting some moves. I can't dance too well either but I don't give a fuck. Nobody is gonna care how you dance. As long as you're having a good time. So will you dance with me? You don't have to if you don't want to."
He smiles at me revealing his gorgeous dimples  which causes me to smile back. I take his hand and as soon as the beat drops we both start dancing to the music. I told myself to enjoy this party and I'm doing as I said. We both laugh looking at each other's moves.

Kristal's POV
Me and Morgan have been dancing for who knows how long that it's getting tiresome.  I told Morgan to come with me to get some water but she didn't want to. As I'm drinking a cup of water I realize Jayden isn't sitting in the chair no more. Could he be dancing without me? Where the fuck is he? I'm bored of dancing, I was gonna ask him if he wanted to do something eles with me. I need to find him. It's gonna be impossible finding him in all these huge crowds of people. I look to my left, then to my right hoping if recognized him. No luck.
Wait a second, is that him? He looks oddly familiar but who's that next to him. I didn't know Grayson and Jayden made up. I head towards them but then I soon come to a realization that that isn't Grayson. NATHAN?!
"Oh hey Kristal what's up?" He says.
"Hey Nathan... umm do you mind me taking Jayden away from you for a sec?"
"Sure whatever. It was fun dancing with you Jay."
"It was fun dancing with you too. cya."
We both walk away as Nathan continue dancing. "What the hell was that? I didn't know you got with Nathan too."
"What are you talking about? I was just dancing."
"You guys seemed—HE CALLED YOU JAY!"
"Ok calm down. As i said before, we're just friends. Besides, i'm still with Grayson... I think?"
"Ugh anyways, do you wanna explore this mansion a bit? I'm getting quite bored."
"Sure why not." Jayden starts head toward the stairs that lead to the second floor when I quickly stop him. "You can't go up the stairs, they're off limits. We have to go in the elevator."  We both head to the elevator.

Third Person POV
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention. Mae Bailey Dolan will now be preforming a solo created by herself."

The room turns dark, and a spotlight shines on Mae as she stands with her bouquet of flowers completely still. All eyes are on her.
"Ummm..." She says, struggling to begin. The room grows quieter as the audience waits for Mae to continue. She looks around the room and watches everyone look at her as her hands get sweaty. She hears a couple whispers throughout the crowd. A lady shouts "Hey! You can't go up those stairs sir!" She points at the same old man walking upstairs.
Before everyone can turn around, he pulls out his pistol and aims at her, he pulls the trigger, he then carelessly starts aiming at random people, causing everyone to start panicking.

next chapter...

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