hello old friends

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Mae's POV:

The birds chirp from above the trees and fly away as we get near them. The nice fresh wind brushes through my hair as I take it in. I take nice slow breaths in and out as I become one with mother nature.
"Wait! I-I can't-I can't go any longer." Jayden paints heavily. I stop my track a look back at Jayden as he's crouching down, resting his hands on his lap.
"Jayden you haven't been out of the house in a week you need some exercise. Jogging is the best especially out in nature. Look at the nice trees and the beautiful sunrise."

He continues painting heavily
"You call this jogging?" He laughs then stops for a breather.

"You're lucky I'm not Grayson. He would've killed you" I laugh without losing a sweat. Being energetic runs in the family, both me a gray grew up being so hyper.
"I think we should start heading back home. I can't anymore, it hurts too much." He continues panting. "Hurts? What's hurts?!" I say, starting to get concern. "Everything!" He says. "How?" I say. Usually Jaden hangs out with Grayson or watches movies, or sometimes attempts to help me cook in the kitchen, but that's usually Grayson's working out. I don't see how he can hurt himself when he never leaves the house. "I-I don't know... I guess Grayson really- err never mind. We should go." He starts slowly jogging back home and I follow behind him.


As we jog back back home I notice Jayden stopped.

"Jayden keep up!" He seems to be looking through the neighbors house. Now he's a stalker? He observes the house and I notice he is peaking inside the window. "Jayden what are you doi-" he shushes me. Suddenly the neighbor comes outside and looks at him. Oh god she must think he's a total creep. I step a couple inches away from him so she won't think I'm with him.

Jayden's POV:



"Holy shit it's you!""It's you!"We both hug each other immediately

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"Holy shit it's you!"
"It's you!"
We both hug each other immediately. I can't believe I ran into her. "Omg I thought I'd never see you again" she says still in my arms.
My high school friend... it's so strange seeing her again, but it feels good. We finally let go of each other. "Me too how have you been?" I ask her. "Wait one sec- MORGAN COME OUTSIDE!!" Kristal yells.
"No." I hear her from inside the house. I recognize that monotone voice anywhere.
"Wait Morgan is here too??" I smile in disbelief. "Yeah she lives with me remember? And yes she is still stubborn as fuck. The lazy bitch can't even clean her own plates."
I see her coming out then looks at me.
"Jayden?! I thought you died or something!" She gives me hug.

"What no? Why would you think that?"
"You never pick up your phone. We've been texting you recently but you didn't answer. We assumed you died"
"Oh... uh it's a long story."
"Well let's catch up. Dinner at mines today. Oh and by the way where do you live?" Kristal asked.

Uhhh should I tell her or..? I don't want her to know I'm living with GRAYSON my high school crush. They're total gonna freak out and make a big deal about it. I'm not really in the mood to spill everything that happened because i'm sure she's going to ask way too many questions for my comfort.

"Oh umm..." I gulp.

"He lives over there with my brother grays-"
I quickly cover Mae's mouth.
"This is my friend Mae and she and I live over there..." I nervously laugh.

"Wait! We're neighbors!?! Since when omg!!! Well come and visit you tomorrow!" Kristal says.

"No that's not a good idea!"
"What— why?"

"Uhh I'll tell you later u have to get going now. It was nice seeing you guys!" I walk away with Mae before anything eles decides to come out of her mouth.

"You're still coming over tonight right?"

"Yeah!" I smile before rushing away


"Nathan I know we haven't seen each other in a while but I'll rip your mouth if you talk about Jen's boobs one more time!" Morgan angrily says

"Jealous?" He chuckles

We decided that since this is a friend reunion, it was only right to invite mark and Nathan as well. In senior year we talked more with each other. 

Also this has turned into a sleep over. I told Grayson before hand but he doesn't know that they are my high school fiends or eles he's gonna want to meet them.

"Kristal can you move over you're hogging up the whole couch!" Morgan says pushing her over.

"Are you calling me fat?"
"Fuck you you're fat!"

"Can you both shut up we're trying to concentrate!" Mark says

"Since when do you need to concentrate while making a pizza?" Morgan yell's back

"Anyways... Jayden. So why did you seem so nervous about telling me where you live? I mean you house is huge!" Kristal says with her full face of makeup at 11pm.

"Well... it's not that. It's just- it's personal..."

"Pfft- personal my ass. You're hiding something juicy and I know it, now spill."

"PIZZA IS READY!" Mark shouts

"Ugh, fine. You'll tell me later!" Kristal says getting up from the couch.

"Wait, Jayden have you told Kristal and Morgan who you live with?" Nathan ask with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Nathan don't." I say. He better not say anything I completely forgot that he knows about us living together. I need to do something.

"Wait who?!! Spill the tea moron!" Kristal commands.

"Hell no! Now that you called me a moron! Since when are you so desperate to find out who Jayden lives with anyways?"

"If I know Jayden, I know that this is big"

"I'm right here you know?"

"Can you all shut up and enjoy the pizza I made!" Mark quiets everyone down.

"... the pizza taste bad."

next chapter...

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