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'It'll be nice if I were those sky'

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'It'll be nice if I were those sky'... As you keep thinking to yourself...

"Everything's gonna be okay Y/N", said to yourself while you're sighing.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at Incheon Airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you.”Said the stewardess before the plane landed.

'It's almost 10 hours I'd be sit on this flight and now my back is sore...'

You're walking out from the terminal and your smile getting wider as you saw...

Lee TaeYong...

You run toward him and hugging him like there's no tommorow. "Taeyongie... bogoshipda Taeyongie", said you in a cute tone ever.
(bogoshipda=I miss you)

"Bwo???". He just rolled his eyes, "Taeyongie???"."You should call me 'Taeyong Oppa' not Taeyongie". He just chuckled and
hug you back."I miss you too uri dongsaengi". He said while hit you head softly.
(Bwo=What / Oppa=a brother [called by a girl@woman to a man that older than her /  uri dongsaengi=My sister/brother)


I'm so tired from the practice earlier and now I'm in a car with manager-nim and WinWin heading to Incheon Airport.

'It's been a while since I'd met her, Y/N and now she's really here in Korea saying she wanna visit me. If only she know...'

"Taeyong Hyung". My thoughts being invaded when WinWin whined for an attention. He keep asking about Y/N since he never meet her before. "You'll see her later and you can just ask her anything instead of asking me. I'm tired right now, I'm taking a nap for a while. Wake me up when we're there...Arasso???".

"Neh hyung, jaljayo".He said before putting an earphones, listening to a song.
(Neh=okay / hyung=a brother [called by a man to a man older than him] / jaljayo=goodnight)

"Hyung, wake up... We're here already", Winwin said while being so excited to meet Y/N. I woke up with a little exhausted written on my face. "Are you sure you want to go inside?. since you're tired, you can wait in the car while we greet Y/N".Manager-nim said worriedly.

"Nan gwenchanayo manager-nim", I smiled and walked toward terminal together. 10 minutes has been passed and we still waiting for Y/N arrival."Taeyong Hyung...I still didn't see her, where is she???, WinWin said impatiently. "Dong SiCheng, just wait okay!!", I'm saying to him while shakes my head.
(Nan gwenchanayo=I'm okay)


I saw her walking out and smiled to her

She runs toward me and hugging me like there's no tomorrow. "Taeyongie... bogoshipda Taeyongie", she said in a cute tone ever.

"Bwo???". I just rolled my eyes, "Taeyongie???"."You should call me 'Taeyong Oppa' not Taeyongie". I'd chuckled and
hug her back."I miss you too uri dongsaengi".I said while hit her head softly.

"Hi, I'm Y/N from Malaysia. 20 years old. Nice to meet you". She greeted both WinWin and manager-nim with a wide smile. Just before WinWin could reply back, manager-nim said,"I think we should do the greet later at home because you guys don't want to be noticed by your fans".

I can see WinWin pouted right after what manager-nim said and I just chuckle all the way to the car.

Y/N fall asleep on my shoulder as the car moving. 'She must be tired to death'. I thought and keep staring at Y/N's face. " It's same those face", I said mumbling to myself and then fall asleep too.

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