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I've been watching the kids practicing all day long. "Kids, let have rest for a while", I said to them seeing them struggle with the dance. I'm still helping Kun as he still can't mastering his dance part while some of them still dancing and the rest taking a nap on the floor.
I took a glance at Y/N and see she laughing with Jaehyun. 'Did he like Y/N or what caused he's hate being around woman'.

"Taeyong Oppa, Jaehyun and I wanna get a drink for you guy. Can he go with me?", she asked me with her cute face.
"Arasso... but make sure you guys come back here. No wondering at another place, okay?".

"Neh...Leader-nim", they both said in unison. Y/N chuckle after that.

"Taeyong-ah, did you sit with her and listen to her explanation yet?... I'm sure she's got her reason for doing that". Johnny sit beside me comforting me and help me to resolved Y/N and my misunderstanding.
"Maybe you were right, I must keep calm and talk to her later. Gomawo, Johnny".
(Gomawo=thank you)


"Doyoung ah, where's Y/N?. Did you wake her up??",I asked him while making breakfast for the kids. "I'm not gonna wake her up ever again. I didn't know that she was this scary. Taeyong hyung, why don't you just wake her up since you both had the same temper?". Do Young said in disbelief.

I'd finished my cooking and walk towards my room to wake 'the bad tempered princess' up.
"I didn't realize that you had those side Y/N ya", said to myself while shaking my head.

As I'm opening the door, almost all of my things scattered on the floor. 'Haish, this girl really...'. I just can't stop sighing and clean the mess she just made.
"Y/N ya, wake up. I've made breakfast and we need to go somewhere today". I'm waking her up softly.
"Arasso, Oppa. Five minutes".She said.

"Okay but you better get your ass up or Haechan will be eating your breakfast". I've said to her before walking out of the room.

I'd stop myself from walking out as I've seen a piece of paper on the floor. I thought it was just one of her music sheet or mine. Not until I picked up and saw...

An idol audition form.

I just walked out and ignored Haechan and Mark whom greeted me all the way.
'It really pissed me off when I saw that she's interested in idol thing. She don't even know how this would end her dream'. I keep think to myself until...

"Y/N, Jaehyun finally you guys wake up,huh??"  I'm smirked.
"Taeyong Oppa, good morning to you". Y/N said and take a sit beside me, starting to eat. "In Malaysia, it still morning to you when when it's almost noon??", I said seriously to her.
Just Y/N could speak to herself, Jaehyun defended her. "Hyung, Y/N just feeling tired since she's been on plane for hours".

"Jaehyun, you should stand for yourself first before helping others".Jaehyun couldn't say anything and I got very mad.

"Oppa...you scared me."

"Oppa, what's wrong??"

Myself then walk out from the dining room and showed up a minute after that with a piece of paper in my hand. "Care to explain?", I said in anger.

"Did you go through my stuff?". Y/N stand up walking to my room and walked out with phone and wallet in her hand. As she want out from the dorm, "Y/N you're not going anywhere, we need to talk right now". I yelled at her and made her startled a bit. "First. I don't want to talk to you. Second, I hate when someone looking through my things. And third, you're not my brother so don't asked me around like I'm yours". Y/N yelled back to me while crying before going out and slammed the door loudly.

I just frozed and do nothing when she said that. Johnny, who saw everything dragged me to our room, comforted and adviced me. "I don't know what's happening but my concern is you shouldn't lashed your anger towards her in front of other, she must've be shamed enough. You should calmed yourself first. Until then you can sorted everything out.". He said walking out from the room.

End of flashback


"Jaehyun, where should we buy those drink for them?". You asking him and walked out from the studio. "There's a convenient store just around the street corner". Jaehyun and you heading towards those store.

When you were there, Jaehyun and you split to find the drink the kids asked for. When your hand reached the drinks that Taeyong like, someone take them first. "I guess Taeyong Oppa can't have it today". He look at you and said,"It's okay, you can have it".
"Jinjjayo??, Kamsahamnida". You said to him politely.
(Jinjjayo=really/ Kamsahamnida=thank you)

As you want to take it from his hand, he pulled his hand away. " I can give it to you but I want to be your friend, can I??".
"Of course, chingu. I'm Y/N. 20 years old from Malaysia.Nice to meet you. Noneoun??", you smile to him.
(Chingu= friend / Noneoun=you)

"You don't know me??", he asking you in disbelief. "How could I know you when you've got your mask on", You said to him and smile.
"Ahh.. sorry bout' that. I'm Kim Hanbin, iKON leader. Nice to meet you too chingu", he take off his mask.

You just stared him in shocked when you've only realized that he is your bias wrecker in iKON group. You were in shocked and froze until...

"I'm getting late and Jinhwan Hyung will be waiting. Since we're friends, can I have your number then so I can text you later". "Neh, +82 XX XXXX YYYY, it's my brother's number cause I'll be getting one sooner". You said to him before Jaehyun come towards you.
"Arasso, I'll text you later. Bye". Kim Hanbin said walking out from the store.

"Y/N, you've done with your list?. If you are lets pay and head back or Taeyong Hyung will kill us". You laugh and going back to the studio after paying them.


When we've reached there, Y/N and I split to find the drink the kids asked for.

As I've done with my list, myself searching around and found Y/N talking to someone. My heart suddenly arched when she's smiling to him. I walked towards her and the man in mask walked away.

"Y/N, you've done with your list?. If you are lets pay and head back or Taeyong Hyung will kill us". She laugh and going back to the studio after paying them.

A little did she know that I'm looking at her.
She has been smiled all the way to our studio.

'Who is he?'

'Why did she smiled non-stop'

'Did he hitting on her'

I keep thinking until I suddenly bumped myself infront the door.
"Jaehyun-ah, gwenchana?. Did you hurt somewhere???", she said worriedly. "I'm okay, don't worry" I replied her back.
I can see in her face that she's trying to hold her laugh back. "Just laugh all you want, don't hold back. It's all written on your face".
And there she is, laughing at me.
'She's cute when she's doing that'.

I'm showing her my annoying face and she stop laughing. "I'm sorry. I'm not laughed at you again but what's wrong with you?. It's look like you've been spacing out. Mind to share with me?", She said to me.
"Aniya. It's just nothing. Uhmm.. my cat. I'm missing them actually and think about them eventually", I lied to her.

"Woah, really?...I like them too.Aniya, I love them, she said showing her cute face again and make my heart melt once again.

When we arrived at the studio I saw Taeyong with a dead face. "Y/N, Hanbin nugu?".

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